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Another reason to legalise drugs

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Not another drug post..yawn.Theres a reason drugs are banned.They wreck lives and are highly addictive.Before anyone says fags and beer are addictive,which indeed they are.They are not banned so get over it, these make cannabis legal threads bore me to death..so stop trying to justify your dirty habits.


There are several reasons why drugs are banned but I doubt you have taken the time to research any of them. Better to make snap judgements based on that comic you read called "The Sun". Apologies if it's "The Mail" you read, I just get the impression from your grammar that you would struggle with anything more than a red top.

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So you think we should punish drug users and hang the dealers? It that your genius answer to the war on drugs?




If the dealers are dead and the idiot users forced into hard labour, the wish will go away or will become impossible to fulfill.

The UK's problem is the soft attitude.

I'm sure most street dealers will decided it's a bad idea to continue business when they see their pals doing the Tyburn jig.

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If the dealers are dead and the idiot users forced into hard labour, the wish will go away or will become impossible to fulfill.

The UK's problem is the soft attitude.

I'm sure most street dealers will decided it's a bad idea to continue business when they see their pals doing the Tyburn jig.


Of course not.

Hang them all.


Your plan would probably bankrupt any country, with legal battles. Well done.


Whilst also making prices sky high because of risks - the big boys will love this, it'll play right into their hands. More so than now, while they are licking their lips at the profits because of people who think like you.


When dealers make huge amounts of money, they buy anyone they want. It happened in the USA during prohibition, and happens now in various countries who take your kind of stance.

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The Taliban publish reports on their drug production?


That or your quoting a guess.


Those are the figures, if you can find some better ones, be my guest. Even if the Taleban earn ten times that amount from drugs, it's less than 2% of the Afghan annual income from opium and hashish. Opium, poppy straw, and other semi-processed products are by far and away the most profitable of the two.


Most of the hashish growing regions are in NA controlled or sympathetic territories, which only serves to reinforce my point - if you want to help defend Afghanistan against the scourge of the taleban, you owe it to yourself to switch to Afghani black.


You know it makes sense.

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So you think we should punish drug users and hang the dealers? It that your genius answer to the war on drugs?


Can't you see that your ideas have been put into practice already and they don't work?! If you are so anti drugs, why don't you use your head for once and think, maybe legalisation is a different option, one that will have some benefits?


People are never going to stop using drugs, you can kick and scream all you want. There will be demand for drugs until the end of time so get over it, nothing you or anyone can do about it!


This is a silly comment;the majority of people manage a full life without phoney stimuli so the taking of drugs can be eradicated.If on a desert island you would not take drugs and many nuns manage quite well.You can say many humans remain fallible and gullible and succumb to temptation,but a good education can empower the individual to resist and strengthen the weak-minded.

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There are several reasons why drugs are banned but I doubt you have taken the time to research any of them. Better to make snap judgements based on that comic you read called "The Sun". Apologies if it's "The Mail" you read, I just get the impression from your grammar that you would struggle with anything more than a red top.


Why should your reading ability affect the clothes worn?

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Why do people need drugs.?.


No one needs drugs for "fun" unless they're weak minded fools.

It's just a daft habit used by the stupid and excused with daft reasoning that simply doesn't stand up to logic.

That's why they push the "medical uses" stuff and the "Doctors are pushers" crap in some daft attempt to justify their stupidity.


The lot are simply stupid and that's that.

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