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The grooming of young white girls by Asian Men


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you will actually find that grooming of young girls is done by all races just in different ways .............its not spoken of when young white girls drink klike crazy and have sex with many partners this also leads to grooming.....wish all would not jump on the band wagon...:suspect:

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It's fine for you to dislike and oppose kaffir religions. It's called freedom of belief and expression :)


Hate is a very strong word and I don't hate the muslim religion, I just dislike and oppose it. If we met I wouldn't hate or dislike you because of your religion.


My post was a reverse respone to your's, I personally don't hate none muslims because they are not muslims. I think if you hate a religion than fair enough but it's when people start tarring every muslim with the same brush and being offensive about it that it starts getting on the nerves of muslims.

My religion forbids me from eating pork, because i don't eat it I don't go round making an issue about it to pork eaters I just let them get on with it.

Yes some muslims do have extreme views but the majority don't.

There was a survey of muslims in the sun on page 20 & 21 and it states most patriotic brits are muslims yet you don't see the usual muslim bashers rushing to start a thread on that do you?

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Mel, that's a little off the mark. Do you think that only white westerners can be involved in such things? And that other races have been infected by the evil white man.


The reason you didn't see many, if any, Asian's involved in the drug trade in the 70s is because there were no where near as many Asians in the country.


Its time the issue was tackled head on. Its not really fair on the young women involved, now is it?


Most of the big time dealers I know are White people, the asians are just the divvy foot soldiors and some do well and buy the flash cars.

Most of the drug importers in the UK are white, trust me but it's the ethnics who end up selling it due to other social issues.

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Most of the big time dealers I know are White people, the asians are just the divvy foot soldiors and some do well and buy the flash cars.

Most of the drug importers in the UK are white, trust me but it's the ethnics who end up selling it due to other social issues.


But you would say that wouldn't you? And how do you know these drug dealers anyway and why haven't you reported them to the police?


I'm surprised this thread hasn't been closed yet; it's only a matter of time before it is though.

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Most of the big time dealers I know are White people, the asians are just the divvy foot soldiors and some do well and buy the flash cars.

Most of the drug importers in the UK are white, trust me but it's the ethnics who end up selling it due to other social issues.

thats total c*** and you know it! the source for major dealers is the usual suspect countries one of which i do business with on a weekly basis and if i wanted to get involved i could but dont!

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Most of the heroin that comes to Britain is from Afghanistan or Pakistan. To say most of the people importing it are white Brits is ridiculous.


thats total c*** and you know it! the source for major dealers is the usual suspect countries one of which i do business with on a weekly basis and if i wanted to get involved i could but dont!


you beat me to it;)


maybe not the actual dealing but certainly the import


you lot seem obsessed on the countries


you do know the growers in these countries are poor?

and its people higher up and considerbly richer that do the importing? and these people can/are of all different races, colours, religions and countries?

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