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The grooming of young white girls by Asian Men


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sigh i feel weve gone back in the arguement 4 years :(


so people again have gone back to saying they hate islam per se?

and its not racism?




to me its similer to racism as its hatred,


still not racist


its stereotyping the whole people that follow the religion


yes you have just answered your own question, racism and religion are two different things


as a whole and blindly saying i hate


why dont you hate christianity as a whole?

or buddism?

or hinduism?


hindus get as much race hatred as muslims, they look the same (race,skin colour ,looks dress)=different beliefs, along with the sikhs


ive been spat at by a certain person(not xtian either) because of my pentagram, they thought it was a jewish 6 sided star!


id love to know why there are different religious opinions from most forumers who thinks its okay to craft bash, but not to islam bash ? seems a continuation on this forum ??


witchcraft isnt a race

neither is islam or muslim, xtianity or jedism,

GF xx

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I hate all organised religion, just for the record.


These threads are annoying as they are usually full of people who hate Islam because they see it as evil (but don't care about all the other religions) or people who make excuses for Islam (but don't do the same for all the other religions). They're as bad as each other.


me too, im athiest i have no time for religion at all


reason why i stand up for muslims tho being a seasoned anti facist / racist since the mid 80s i see it as the old **** bashing mentality.

since 9/11 its almost fashionable to hate islam / muslims and people will use all sorts of excuses to do so.........as weve seen on this very forum people who had no interest or knowledge before suddenly become experts on womens rights, religion, animal rights just so they can attack muslims

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still not racist




yes you have just answered your own question, racism and religion are two different things




hindus get as much race hatred as muslims, they look the same (race,skin colour ,looks dress)=different beliefs, along with the sikhs


ive been spat at by a certain person(not xtian either) because of my pentagram, they thought it was a jewish 6 sided star!


id love to know why there are different religious opinions from most forumers who thinks its okay to craft bash, but not to islam bash ? seems a continuation on this forum ??


witchcraft isnt a race

neither is islam or muslim, xtianity or jedism,

GF xx


none of those comments come from what i said i NEVER said it was racist, its HATRED which racism also is

and hatred is hatred...........its wrong

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To a Muslim Kaffir may mean 'unbeliever' - one not of the Islamic persuasion - but in many places (notably in South and East Africa) Kaffir is a derogatory term used to describe people of the dark-skinned persuasion.


If the 'N' word is not acceptable, why is the 'K' word acceptable?

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none of those comments come from what i said i NEVER said it was racist, its HATRED which racism also is

and hatred is hatred...........its wrong


just go back and read your post again you 'did' say it was racist and you also said there were similarities, none the less , i agree with you a thousand percent hatred is hatred and it IS wong

GF with respect x

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To a Muslim Kaffir may mean 'unbeliever' - one not of the Islamic persuasion - but in many places (notably in South and East Africa) Kaffir is a derogatory term used to describe people of the dark-skinned persuasion.


If the 'N' word is not acceptable, why is the 'K' word acceptable?


its like when we say geodies, taffys wops, paddys,scousers,cockneys, scotties mackams dee dars, i could go on and on and on -all names of what ppl label folk, some are offensive some aint (we know the words what aint) :D

gf XX

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none of those comments come from what i said i NEVER said it was racist, its HATRED which racism also is

and hatred is hatred...........its wrong


Which is absolutely valid, but the reason we have problems in certain parts of certain communities is both hatred/contempt for white women within a portion of those communities and a historical failure to deal with the issue by police fearing being seen as "racist". By and large the relevant forces seem to be all over the issue and arrests are occuring on a regular basis and the communities are also strongly engaged in rooting out the pedos in their midst so with luck in a years time it will be a non-issue as the offenders will all be locked up and the communities will have ensured that the casual racism that leads young men to view while children as "fair prey" has been eradicated.

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To a Muslim Kaffir may mean 'unbeliever' - one not of the Islamic persuasion - but in many places (notably in South and East Africa) Kaffir is a derogatory term used to describe people of the dark-skinned persuasion.


If the 'N' word is not acceptable, why is the 'K' word acceptable?


The racial use of the word comes from the arabic/muslim use of the word. The muslim slave traders on the east african coast refered to their slaves and blacks in general as kaffirs meaning infidels, the whites who traded with them thought the word meant blacks in general and adopted the word.

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Forgive me intruding on your spat.


My feeling is that Muslim (rather than Asians generally) males have lost thier moral compass. Born or brought up in the west they have been ghettoised by thier own people, exposed at school and via the media to western beliefs culture and increasing secularism they many have retreated into practicing Islam due to the intolerance they will face if they make the move into western style modes of living.


They see that in the Islamic world chaos thrives, women are at worst enslaved and at best second class citizens, democracy cannot exist alongside Islam, that materially the west has triumphed. Proud of thier heritage they seek to denigrate the west in any way possible at the same time wishing to benefit from the advantages of living here.


They are confused and conflicted, by grooming young non muslim women, by espousing ludicrous religious and political beliefs, by justifying criminality in the guise of religious activism they seek to show their individuality.


I do not, for one second tar the majority of Muslims with this particualar brush. However their are many young UK born men particualrly of Pakistani origin who dont know where they belong. It is up to the rest of us to seek to engage with these men and bring them into the mainstream. They should be encouraged to worship the god of their fathers, but remember they are British.


ok einstien, im trying to be rational and logical here but you seem to kick me down at every opportunity.


YOU tell me YOUR opinion on the change since the beginning of the 90s why theres been a rapid upsurge of young asian males getting into drugs, sex and gangs IN THIS COUNTRY (ignore afganistan im talking about here, afganistans different its always been a producer, im talking about on the streets)


ive tried to give my view as honestly as i could from somebody whos seen the drugs scene from the inside and as usual get slagged off for it.


im telling you before about 92 ish there was barely any asians involved, it was almost wholly black and white, unless its the negative connetations of the west you dont like

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