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Lake District Hotels/Countryside

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Hi all,


thank you for the suggestions. I know I can ring the tourist board, but would ideally like peoples views and suggestions as I know people on here to be very helpful, especially recently.


Any more?


Thank you.


The Lancrigg Hotel always looks nice when I walk past it and I know the food's good having partaken of a snack from time to time after taking yet another person up Helm Crag. Again, no lake in view but it's VERY close to Grasmere. It's veggie, though, which may be an issue.


Max mentioned the Old Dungeon Ghyll; there's also the New Dungeon Ghyll a few minutes walk away. Both are in a fine spot which I return to at least once a year.


Since I was a kid I've always liked the look of the Lodore Falls (under it's many different names). Again, it's in a delightful spot and DOES have a lake view. I suspect it may be pretty expensive, though.

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