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Crazy weather for November

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Such a nice morning I decided to do a bit of weeding and tidying up in my garden only to find that I have numerous spring flowers already showing above ground, Daffodils, Crocuses, Narcissi also a new batch of rose buds complete with greenfly.

Global warming at last?:hihi:

I was looking at tree in our school playground last week whilst waiting for the eldest to come out, some autumn leaves still clinging on, and new leaf buds also forming .... :huh:

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Does anyone think that because we have been so lucky with November's weather we will get a very cold December?


I've heard a lot of people saying it and just wondered if this is true in anyone's experience?


Simple regression to the mean ensures that most unusually warm Novembers are followed by average Decembers - which feel cold by comparison, since the average for December is cold.

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I'm hoping for a white Christmas.. Not too bad though, I want Dad to be able to get the car out to pick my Nan and family up on Christmas Day (cos my 71 year old Uncle doesn't drive)

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