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Why are 'palestinians' refusing peace?

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Neither are the Palestinians they're just thieving squatters


Wrong. The Palestinians have been living in Palestime for hundreds of years. They would have far more claim to it than the descendant of an Eastern European convert to 'judaism' who never set foot in the 'holy land'.

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OK, show us some evidence from "hundreds of years" ago of a nation or state going by the name "palestine".


Go to any Palestinian village and ask the Palestinians who were kicked out of their homes to make way for 'israel'.


Perhaps you should show some evidence that the descendants of modern 'israelis' ever set foot in the 'holy land'?

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Go to any Palestinian village and ask the Palestinians who were kicked out of their homes to make way for 'israel'.

Go to the house of any ex British Empire colonial and they'll say we all owe them something. But it's still not true

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From whom exactly did Israel capture the West bank in 1967? the "palestinians"?? that is the BS that keeps being repeated over and over, but, er no, in 1967 there was no Arab nation or state going by the name of palestine; actually Israel took over the west bank from Jordan as self defence because Jordan had joined with Egypt and Syria to destroy Israel.


The west bank was taken from Jordan in the 67 war although few saw Jordan as the legitimate government except the UK.

However, it's not under Israeli government control as such but is occupied by Israeli armed forces.

That means Israel has no political authority in that area, only bully tactics with tanks.

In turn, that means Israel doesn't grant radio licences in the area so it isn't a pirate station because it has a licence from the legitimate political government.

Israel may not like it but they have no right to close a station outside their area of political control.

It would be like France closing down the BBC because they didn't like Johnny English saying naughty things about the French.

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Except they're not 'israelites' because their ancestors never lived foot in the 'holy lands'

'Israelites'? Jews- whether of Ashkenaz descent or otherwise- all originate from dwellers in Israel. They arrived in the year 2488 from Creation, about 3284 years ago. They lived there until the First Temple was destroyed, 410yrs. later; mostly returned 40yrs. later; and lived there until the Second Temple was destroyed, 420yrs. later in 68-70CE. No 'palestinians' were involved.

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