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Why are 'palestinians' refusing peace?

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Israel has now made about 5 or 6 calls in the last few months for peace talks with the 'palestinians'. They have refused each time.











Even the quartet have been snubbed by the 'palestinians'.



This is quite telling. The King of Jordan visiting Judea & Samaria (west bank) for the first time in years to call on the 'palestinians' to engage in peace.







The 'palestinians' keep refusing.





So if they won't agree to peace talks, what are they playing at exactly?


Last I heard they will agree - but only if Israel agrees to stop illegally building settlements (which they are refusing to do currently).

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Why did you write Palestinians with inverted commas and without capitalisation?

The text that you copy/pasted didn't.


Oh, I know why you did it. It is a thinly veiled attempt to play down the legitimacy and deny the rights of the people who do identify as Palestinian. Interesting that your quoted Israeli news source didn't do that.


Yet here you are, posing your opinion as a question when your mind is clearly already made up. You have no intention to discuss anything, it's merely a rant.


Absolutely correct, VideoPro - if the OP really wanted to know why the Palestinians are not coming to the table he would need to look at things from their point of view.


This is quite clearly beyond his abilities - and those of many others who post about these issues.


As you said yourself, both sides have legitimate complaints, aspirations and grievances and both sides will need to accept compromises if peace is to be achieved.

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Last I heard they will agree - but only if Israel agrees to stop illegally building settlements (which they are refusing to do currently).


The quartet wanted both parties to come to the peace table without preconditions. Whilst Israel agreed, the 'palestinians' for some reason thought they could set all sorts of demands before they will even agree to peace.


It would be very easy for Israel to do likewise and say "halt all terrorism before peace talks" - which of course the 'palestinians' seem incapable of doing.


I remember a senior Israeli diplomat saying that during the Oslo accords that they were negotiating with the 'palestinians' during the day, and burying dead Israelis during the evening.


So the Israelis are prepared to make these sacrifices, the 'palestinians' seem more keen on playing games at the UN which the international community is fast losing patience with.

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The only solution I see is two states with free movement between the two, Palestinians? Being allowed to live and work in Israel and Israelis being allowed to live and work in the Palestinian state.

A little like England and Scotland but with our own governments, we hate each other but get on for the sake of piece. :D

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