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Are you an impulse buyer?

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I am.


I can't help it.


What's the craziest thing you've ever bought on impulse?


I tell you what mine is - a piano.


I was helping someone clear house after a relative had died and I took a load of old furniture in my car to this house clearance place. When I got there I was fascinated by the place - it was a big warehouse jammed full of all sorts of stuff - and right by the door there was this piano. I went up and tickled its ivories and it sounded A1! and they only wanted £80 for it!


I was with my son at the time, who's just 12 and I said to him, "I'm going to buy that" and he looked at me gone out. "Can you play the piano Dad?" he said. I said, "no - that's why I need one, so I can learn".


I've got a big 4x4 and the seats go down flat so, with the help of the staff, we somehow managed to get the piano in the back. It took 3 of us to shift it. At that point I'd not even thought about how I would get it out of the car when I got home.


On the way home my son says to me, "what do you think mum will say when you come home with a piano?" I said to him that I think mum will be pleased that I've got such a bargain - he just looked at me disbelievingly. "Where will we put it dad?" he asked. "In the dining room" I said. "Just think, Christmas day, all the family singing carols around the piano! Marvellous!" He still didn't look convinced.


We arrive home and he goes in the house and says, "mum, dad's bought a piano". She goes, "YOU WHAATT?" "he's bought a piano mum, he got it from this house clearance place and he says it's going to go in the dining room".


"Where is it?" she said.


"In the back of the car" he said.


So she comes storming out to the car and says to me on the way, "I cannot believe what you've done - Fancy going and buying a piano without telling me first!"


I explain it was a bargain but she doesn't look convinced either. "Show me" she said.


I opened the tailgate and she takes one look at it and says...


"I'm NOT having THAT thing in here- it stinks. "Take it back".


So, to cut a long story short - I drive 12 mile back to the place where I'd bought it an hour earlier and explained to them that my wife doesn't like it. They feel sorry for me and give me a credit note - it's just as well because I couldn't have removed it from my car myself if they'd said tough luck!


So, the whole family think I'm bonkers of course, and maybe they are right. But when something takes my fancy I just have to have it!

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"I cannot believe what you've done - Fancy going and buying a piano without telling me first!"


"I'm NOT having THAT thing in here- it stinks. "Take it back".

:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


...yeah, I know, who am I laughing at. :D


On topic: 'half' a cow.


Alive and well and on its legs. Offerred, haggled and deal done over a pint in t'pub with the local farmer, best friend bought the other half. I thought it would be a good idea to go visit and feed it with the little one every other weekend, to explain where the roast and burgers come from. It was a good idea :thumbsup: Nyom.

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