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Israel shuts liberal radio station in attempt to silence criticism of right

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Just image if they were even half as bad as their neighbours.




Only Israel is evil - didn't you know???? I was bought up to defend Israel, but they are pretty heavy handed at times! Even I can see that! But this situation has always been like a jack russell nipping a rotweillers arse - eventually the rotty turns and bites the little dogs head off... Israel seems to be constantly on the offensive, but as we live here and not there, it's tough to say who is right and who is wrong, as I think for this one you have to be there...

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I can't quite grasp what the OP was hoping to achieve here? Israel shuts down a pirate radio station? We do that here don't we? :confused:


From the link in the OP :


The attack on the radio station, which has broadcast for seven years, raises fresh concerns about press freedoms at a time when many of Israel's liberals view the country's democracy as under threat from the right wing.


For 7 years the station was running without any problems. Everyone knew about it including the Israeli authorities.


Why has it been closed down now ?

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Seven years is pretty good mileage from an illegal outfit. It will probably set up again and run for another seven years.


But in relation to your thoughts on democracy, can you tell us what would happen if a pirate station was broadcasting anti-Islamic sentiment from within an Islamic state?

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Seven years is pretty good mileage from an illegal outfit. It will probably set up again and run for another seven years.


But Israel knew about this radio station for nearly 10 years and let it pass. As mentioned earlier, why has it been closed down now, after all that time ?


Surely it's politically-motivated as mentioned in the OP ? - there's no other explanation for it.


There was nothing illegal about the station itself; for God's Sake, all it was doing was promoting peace between the Israelis and Palestinians.


Which sicko in the Israeli government thought that that was a bad idea ? :(

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But in relation to your thoughts on democracy, can you tell us what would happen if a pirate station was broadcasting anti-Islamic sentiment from within an Islamic state?


What's that got to do with the price of eggs in Gibraltar?


Or are you simply trying to divert the thread (like others have done so far)?

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What's that got to do with the price of eggs in Gibraltar?


Or are you simply trying to divert the thread (like others have done so far)?




why is it irelevant to the topic of pirate radio stations to ask what would happen to a pirate radio station in an Islamic state? Why did CXC avoid that question?


He posted the thread suggesting that Israel cannot possibly be a democracy if it shuts down a pirate station.


Do we not do the same here in our democracy? I fail to see how it is undemocratic?

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I love how i'm the one accused of diversion...


He was so desperate himself to divert the topic yesterday from Syrian human rights/Asian grooming/Palestinian refuse peace threads, that this damp squib of a story (against the Jewish state naturally) was the very best he could do :D


I guess you haven't sussed him yet.

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I love how i'm the one accused of diversion...


He was so desperate himself to divert the topic yesterday from Syrian human rights/Asian grooming/Palestinian refuse peace threads, that this damp squib of a story (against the Jewish state naturally) was the very best he could do :D


I guess you haven't sussed him yet.


I think most people have sussed him/her, and I don't think you're much different. So note to self.... Ignore both!

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why is it irelevant to the topic of pirate radio stations to ask what would happen to a pirate radio station in an Islamic state? Why did CXC avoid that question?


Because this thread is about Israel and it's so called 'democratic' values. If you wish to talk about other states, then please create a separate thread for them.


So, going back to the topic on hand, why has Israel decided to close the peace radio station now, Jericho ?


Do you think it was politically-motivated ?

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