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Immoral / Illegal stuff you do regular but have no conscience about?

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15 years ago I dropped my brother off at his flat in Darnall.

He lived in a cul-de-sac with a car park at the end with plenty of spaces to park in.

The residents of the houses on his street prefer to park right outside their houses rather than the car park making the street almost impassable.

After I had dropped him off and carried his shopping up to his flat I headed out of the street and squeezed past a car which had parked up on the corner while I was taking the shopping in. While squeezing (my car was a cinquecento, in racing pink) through the gap I knocked the mirror off from the car on the corner and scraped all down my front wing.

I got out to see the damage and the mirror was actually hanging off and not just bent back. My car had a big gauge in the paint.

I shiftily looked around :suspect:, I was furious that he had parked in such a silly place (conveniently forgetting that I could have got out and knocked on doors for him to move instead of trying to squeeze through) and was fully prepared to drive off without doing anything when I noticed some men watching me at a Mosque across the road.

So I got in my car and wrote on a piece of paper that I had hit his car and was only writing this note to pretend to leave my details because someone had seen me do it and this would teach him to park in silly places, and put the note on his windscreen.

I had seen that in a newspaper or somewhere before and I thought I was being incredibly witty and clever, instead of sneaky/ weasely/ unoriginal etc :loopy:

I then drove away feeling all clever and superior. Until three days later when I saw my brother, who was angry that I'd hit his neighbours car, left distinctive pink paint on the wrecked mirror AND left a cheeky note and not just knocked and apologised. :|

I still cringe now when I think of it. :gag:

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