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Low Frequency Vibration/Humming in The House


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My neighbours had one of those revolving swirly caps fitted to the top of the chimney flue pipe.

It was audible mainly at night when laid in bed and all else was quiet. It would start up then slow down then up again continuously with the wind rising and falling.

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That is just weird..ive just posted about this...I will post my thread on here...im currently recording to try and pin-point the frequencies... it gives me a head ache and it isnt just at night


No need to re-post as your thread has been merged, look back through the posts and you'll find yours.

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Wear ear plugs.


Problem solved.


that actually makes it worse..its really low Htz.

well I am blown away that other people are hearing this also. Yes im not mental..yet.


---------- Post added 22-01-2013 at 14:20 ----------


No need to re-post as your thread has been merged, look back through the posts and you'll find yours.


sorry..i was just actually referring to the weirdness that this 'sound' was driving me insane i had to join this forum to ask if anyone else had experienced it, I found mine- along with others who is having the same unpleasant experience. I just enjoyed the fact other people had been noticing it.


Ive just left the house and walked around crooks to get a break from it. its even worse when you here the amplified recording of it.

Edited by CrooksWizard
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I wish i could agree with you..but its not the inner ear..I've recorded the sound with a condesor Mic-Rode NT1( not ideal as it pics up lots of top end, but ive filtered that out-plus its the only mic I have at hand) Analysed the frequency and it appears to be peaking around 90Htz and down ward.putting it outside the vocal range( 110 Hz to 10 thousand Hz ) its just in the orchestral range.


when I boost the signal(if i can call it that) it sounds like a sub-bass feedback of some kind...


Ive got a good link here but because i have not yet made 5 post- the forum rules will not let me post a link...just trust the Wizard

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I experienced a humming noise for several months which I could only hear at night. One night when it was driving me crazy I decided to really try and track it down. I went all over the house pressing my ears up to things like the fridge, the living room TV, the central heating system, the intruder alarm, washing machiene...nothing. Eventually I decided to admit defeat and call it a night, when I reaslised the only thing I hadn't checked was the speaker system on my TV. Id just replaced it and it turned out to be the subwoofer causing a slight hum! Turned it off and voila. All was well again!

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Hello Sheffield Forum, this is my first post so i would just like to say hello.HELLO!

Now the only reason Ive signed up to this forum is a problem with a increasingly loud humming frequency I have noticed,I have recently moved to The Crooks area of Sheff in the past 4 months. recently have started getting headaches which at first I put down to the dark nights and all the artificial lighting in the house,or maybe too much time on the computer, so ive tested the Carbon Monoxide ect and all is good.


Ive recently noticed this headache problem coincides with the humming sound, the penetrating sound (which i have also read about on conspiracy forums but never really payed much attention too) is like a really deep drone on repeat, If I had to compare it with any thing it would be a microwave only really deep,barely noticeable. it happens at night and day..in fact the other night it almost felt like's was turned on' .. it could be a neighbours fridge or something,Ocams Razor and all that....but it defiantly fits the description of other people experiences with a mysterious Hum. I cannot hear it outside neither.


Has anyone from Crooks/Sheff experienced this???...I will try and record the sound now as i have some pretty decent recording gear- analyse it and and post it on here(any help with how to post wave file would also be appreciated)


feel free to Email me.

The Wizard Of Crooks x


Weird! This is exactly the same as something I've recently noticed but I'm in Chapeltown.


Is your hum constant or does it go on and off in a sort of rhythm? Mine's the latter but the odd thing is I only ever hear it in bed at night, never during the day.

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