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Low Frequency Vibration/Humming in The House


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The two masts are a concern and my primary suspicion, where i live I am parallel to the antennas and i live maybe 800 yards from them,i.e I am the same height as the white tube thingy ma bobs(could this be pshycological because i can see them?). I agree with the post about walking up the road the volume get worse. It hits me like a ton of bricks when I get out of my car late at night.

I have informed the council of my concerns - they said they cannot do anything to investigate if i cannot complain about a particular household or business. They said a expert would get back to me-doubt that will happen.


So I have the Hum on my iTunes How do I get it on here?


P.S This is just speculation so please don't shout at me, but Im sure it started when they was bringing in 3G last year and Im sure it has got worse Since 4G has started being transmitted.


---------- Post added 15-09-2013 at 11:39 ----------


So, since the last time I posted on here I have been to the doctors about my ears. Before I went (not knowing if i would be wasting the docs time,which i really dont wanna do) I took the bold step off knocking on a few of my neighbours doors and introducing my self properly and asked what must have seemed like a strange question ' do you hear a strange noise late at night' most said they didnt but my immediate neighbours, the semi attached to ours looked like they had seen a ghost. The man who had been living there some good 10 years said he could hear the low frequency 'hum' but his wife didnt..just like our house. My wife also seemed shocked as she doesn't hear, feel this thing either. we got talking although he seemed to be accustomed the the low frequency hum in the wee hours of the night.


so ive downloaded and bought some stuff from this website about EMF protection.I realise that these sites often use scaremongering to sell very expensive products but Im at my wits end with this thing.. .. have a google and see for your self.


mean while check out this very good documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E31vNK19e0A


So I went to the docs and I have to go back to get some wax out in a fortnight.

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  • 11 months later...

I live in a semi. My neighbours are telling me that there is a noise which sounds like a central heating pump is coming from a) my living room 2) my bedroom and now 3) my back bedroom. They are becoming angry and nasty. I have invited the husband in my home whilst this so called noise was 'unbearable' in there house. My house was silent. I hear my pump when in operation and it just hums. Surely if the noise was coming from my house, I would hear it, wouldn't I????

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Unless the sound was being transmitted towards their house somehow, like the pump was bolted to the party wall or something.


Either way I seriously doubt it's the pump for the heating, it'd have to be totally knackered to make that much noise to disturb your neighbours - and you'd hear that for sure.


Low frequency noise is very omi-directional, so it's more than likely coming from a completely different direction and they are having trouble locating the source of the noise.


It could be something like a generator running in a factory/workplace, or a large fan running in an industrial complex - it could be anything to be fair!!

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Hehe, well, this is an old thread.


I did move.


Gets me away from the hum of the shop fridge next door, and the crying baby on the other side.


I can now sometimes hear a hum from the tram terminus if I have the windows open, or on a quiet night, I can hear my NAS and the Virgin+ box downstairs, until they shut themselves down around midnight.


Guess I'm just noise sensitive :-)

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I live in a semi. My neighbours are telling me that there is a noise which sounds like a central heating pump is coming from a) my living room 2) my bedroom and now 3) my back bedroom. They are becoming angry and nasty. I have invited the husband in my home whilst this so called noise was 'unbearable' in there house. My house was silent. I hear my pump when in operation and it just hums. Surely if the noise was coming from my house, I would hear it, wouldn't I????


Unless the sound was being transmitted towards their house somehow, like the pump was bolted to the party wall or something.


Either way I seriously doubt it's the pump for the heating, it'd have to be totally knackered to make that much noise to disturb your neighbours - and you'd hear


Low frequency noise is very omi-directional, so it's more than likely coming from a completely different direction and they are having trouble locating the source of the noise.


It could be something like a generator running in a factory/workplace, or a large fan running in an industrial complex - it could be anything to be fair!!




Thanks for confirming what I thought :)

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  • 4 months later...

Have had the same problem. Turned out to be vibrations caused when the wind is blowing in a certain directiuon over the TV ariel on chimney stack thus causing vibrations down party wall. Cant be heard outside.

All that was required was brackets to be tightened.

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  • 8 months later...

Can anyone else hear The Humming, a persistent, low-frequency noise that i can hear all day but louder at night when all is quiet .. Seems to virate through the walls and can hear in all rooms .. Turned off the power in my flat so it not any of my electrics .. Had housing officer out who heard it but done nothing ! Its driving me up the wall .. Theres not only me that hears it so can my partner .. But tge people in downstairs flat say they cant hear anything .. Just wondwred anyone else is being kept awake by it ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

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