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Too Lazy To Push

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How refreshing to hear. We're all lead to believe that it's akin to open heart surgery without an anaesthetic and the only way is C-section. Congratulations, by the way.


Oh I was led to believe that, too.

You wouldn't believe my midwife...


But (and I know not all labours are like this, before anyone jumps down my throat), I didn't feel any pain at all.

All I got were period like cramps, and the midwives arrived just in time. Purely because I didn't know I was in labour, so didn't ring them. It just so happened that I had a home appointment with my midwife that day at 1pm. (My daughter was born at 1:40pm) so...


I'll gladly go through it all again.

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I just put this on facebook, and felt the need to share it on here too::


"God, I seriously disagree with the whole "don't wanna give birth naturally, get a C-section"

It's BS! There are cancer patients out there unable to get the drugs they desperately need to live because "there's no money", and yet the NHS can afford to pay for surgery for any woman not wanting to give birth naturally "because it'll hurt too much".

C-sections should be for MEDICAL NEED only.

If you don't wanna push a baby out your "area", don't shove owt else up there. Simple! If you wanna kid that bad, bloody adopt. -.-"

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I just put this on facebook, and felt the need to share it on here too::


"God, I seriously disagree with the whole "don't wanna give birth naturally, get a C-section"

It's BS! There are cancer patients out there unable to get the drugs they desperately need to live because "there's no money", and yet the NHS can afford to pay for surgery for any woman not wanting to give birth naturally "because it'll hurt too much".

C-sections should be for MEDICAL NEED only.

If you don't wanna push a baby out your "area", don't shove owt else up there. Simple! If you wanna kid that bad, bloody adopt. -.-"


If this were FB, I would give it a 'like'. I agree with you. Where will the resources come from?

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If this were FB, I would give it a 'like'. I agree with you. Where will the resources come from?


From the NHS money which is being cut anyway, so why was unnecessary C-sections a priority.

I'm 19 years old and I have a better grip on the harsh facts of reality than the people in power... And that's a scary thought...

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If this were FB, I would give it a 'like'. I agree with you. Where will the resources come from?


My sis-in-law went to look at the latest in scanning technology the other day. She said it was absolutely amazing, with 3D images so detailed that it was like something from Bones. It can produce 3D images of the the heart arteries such that non invasive techniques, without the use of catheters, are possible to diagnose heart disease. It is also possible to imagine that such scanners will one day be able to diagnose illnesses of the bowel without the need for a camera to be shoved up the ass, and the discomfort that goes with it.


Trouble is, this scanner would cost the NHS £3 million to buy. But one day a hospital will buy one, and very useful it will prove in very specific cases. Angiography is a common procedure. Should patients be able to demand that they have access to one of these latest scanners, rather than have the discomfort of a catheter in the arm?



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I don't think they should be offered free on the NHS but if by some nightmare scenario I did get pregnant:gag: I would be happy to pay for one! No resources taken from the NHS therefore no judgmental persons business:D


If you are going to get annoyed about procedures free on the nhs get annoyed at boob jobs and sex change ops!

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