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Too Lazy To Push

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My sis-in-law went to look at the latest in scanning technology the other day. She said it was absolutely amazing, with 3D images so detailed that it was like something from Bones. It can produce 3D images of the the heart arteries such that non invasive techniques, without the use of catheters, are possible to diagnose heart disease. It is also possible to imagine that such scanners will one day be able to diagnose illnesses of the bowel without the need for a camera to be shoved up the ass, and the discomfort that goes with it.


Trouble is, this scanner would cost the NHS £3 million to buy. But one day a hospital will buy one, and very useful it will prove in very specific cases. Angiography is a common procedure. Should patients be able to demand that they have access to one of these latest scanners, rather than have the discomfort of a catheter in the arm?




No, whilst patients wishes are important they don't get to make major resourcing decisions for the hospital. If such a device is already there and they've been asked which procedure they prefer, then fair enough, but otherwise they get the most appropriate available treatment or go private and pay for whatever extras they want.

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I think they should only be allowed if there is a medical need. They are expensive, have a much longer recovery time and will tie up operating theatres and staff. What happens when a woman comes in needing an emergency CS and all the theatres are full of women who are too posh to push?


yes i totaly agree with this, the poor woman who urgently needs a c sec for medical reasons will suffer, i myself have had 3 natural births, and although filled with blood sweat and tears shall we say, i wouldnt have changed it.

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Definately should only be used for medical need. I'm thinking about having a baby now, and the thought of a c-section terrifies me. I'd sooner the pain as long as me/baby are healthy.

Cant imagine anything worse than being cut open, and laid up for a few days/risk of future children being born through c-section.


Definately should only be used when there's genuine medical need

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  • 8 months later...


Pregnant women who ask for a Caesarean delivery should be allowed to have the operation, even if there is no medical need, according to new guidelines for England and Wales.


The National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) states that women should be offered counselling and told of the risks first.


Ultimately, however, the decision would be made by the mother-to-be, it said.


NICE said this was "a very long way" from offering all women surgery.

Why are some women being given this option when it isn't neccessary? Answer; because they are too lazy these days to push a baby out. It'll take time out of their day reading Hello Magazine and talking to their friends about rubbish.


My three lads were popped out by the Mrs, and she didn't once complain. She didn't have an easy option.


People who say things like this usually are very ignorant. I have had 2 c sections due to a heart condition. I did NOT have a choice, I would have loved to have had my babies "naturally". What people tend to forget is that it is a major operation-not without risks and also very painful. Not to mention that you cannot continue normally afterwards as there are certain restrictions such as no driving and not picking up anything heavier than your baby for the first 6 weeks. Any way that a child is delivered is a risk and has nothing to do with a person being to lazy. Everyone should have a choice if men had to do it they wouldn't be so quick to comment!

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People who say things like this usually are very ignorant. I have had 2 c sections due to a heart condition. I did NOT have a choice, I would have loved to have had my babies "naturally". What people tend to forget is that it is a major operation-not without risks and also very painful. Not to mention that you cannot continue normally afterwards as there are certain restrictions such as no driving and not picking up anything heavier than your baby for the first 6 weeks. Any way that a child is delivered is a risk and has nothing to do with a person being to lazy. Everyone should have a choice if men had to do it they wouldn't be so quick to comment!


You may not have had no choice, but still doesn't take away from the fact that a lot of women do consider themselves to be too posh to push.

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People who say things like this usually are very ignorant.
Yes they are and its because they do not realise how hard it is to go thru this!!



Im so sorry to hear of your heart condition and I hope by now its gotton somewhat better :)



God bless you busybee :)

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