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Too Lazy To Push

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Except that the vagina was not designed for childbirth was it! Its accidental design has not resulted in our species dying out via childbirth death, which is pretty high in countries with less medical support.


I think the kidney stones analogy works well as it is just as natural as childbirth


Erm, surely a reproductive organ evolved to become just that. How could you argue otherwise.

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Except that the vagina was not designed for childbirth was it! Its accidental design has not resulted in our species dying out via childbirth death, which is pretty high in countries with less medical support.


I think the kidney stones analogy works well as it is just as natural as childbirth


You may as well argue that the eyeball isn't designed for seeing things.

You're right, nothing was designed, but there are things which are functional, eyeballs and child birth, and things which are dysfunctional, kidney stones for example.

To compare a function with a dysfunction is fallacious as noted.

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i just got really upset seeing this article on the news as there was a stupid woman who because she couldnt have a c-section she was wanting an abortion! i understand people being afraid but that is ridiculous!


i have been doing hypnobirth classes and they really help you to relax and face your fears. no one should go into birth/pregnancy with such a negative attitude!

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Erm, surely a reproductive organ evolved to become just that. How could you argue otherwise.


It evolved to be adequate for childbirth but it was not designed for childbirth, otherwise you would just open a flap and a baby would come out, preferably without having to carry it around for 9 months-maybe it is like that for some women:D

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Except that the vagina was not designed for childbirth was it! Its accidental design has not resulted in our species dying out via childbirth death, which is pretty high in countries with less medical support.


I think the kidney stones analogy works well as it is just as natural as childbirth


Designed was perhaps a poor choice of word. One of the vagina's biological functions is indisputably to provide a foetal passage from the uterus to the outside the mother's body, which is why it is so elastic. I cannot comprehend how you can compare a natural process, such a vaginal childbirth, to a disease such as the passing of kidney stones.

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You may as well argue that the eyeball isn't designed for seeing things.

You're right, nothing was designed, but there are things which are functional, eyeballs and child birth, and things which are dysfunctional, kidney stones for example.

To compare a function with a dysfunction is fallacious as noted.


It is comparable in the context of only having the procedure to deal with the pain. Kidney stones can be passed through naturally so why should the NHS do anything-because its painful thats why!

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Designed was perhaps a poor choice of word. One of the vagina's biological functions is indisputably to provide a foetal passage from the uterus to the outside the mother's body, which is why it is so elastic. I cannot comprehend how you can compare a natural process, such a vaginal childbirth, to a disease such as the passing of kidney stones.


passing kidney stones is a natural process, as is having a dump or giving birth

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passing kidney stones is a natural process, as is having a dump or giving birth


The formation of kindey stones is not a natural process, as Cyclone says it is a dysfunction. 'Having a dump' as you so eloquently put it and childbirth are natural functions and not the result of a disorder though, are they? Kidney stones are the result of a urologic disorder.

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Pregnant women who ask for a Caesarean delivery should be allowed to have the operation, even if there is no medical need, according to new guidelines for England and Wales.


The National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) states that women should be offered counselling and told of the risks first.


Ultimately, however, the decision would be made by the mother-to-be, it said.


NICE said this was "a very long way" from offering all women surgery.

Why are some women being given this option when it isn't neccessary? Answer; because they are too lazy these days to push a baby out. It'll take time out of their day reading Hello Magazine and talking to their friends about rubbish.


My three lads were popped out by the Mrs, and she didn't once complain. She didn't have an easy option.

A friend of mine has had 3 kids all by C section.

All through choice too.

Her reason was a simple one, she didnt want giving birth to change her bits and ruin her sex life. She was vein as hell and she was adamant that giving birth the natural way would impact on her sex life :rolleyes:

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The formation of kindey stones is not a natural process, as Cyclone says it is a dysfunction. 'Having a dump' as you so eloquently put it and childbirth are not the result of a disorder though, are they? Kidney stones are the result of a urologic disorder.


It is natural, diseases and disorders aren't unnatural except when they are caused by things that wouldn't occur naturally. I don't know why that matters though, both are painful and generally do not cause death if left alone therefore why can't they be comparable in this instance.

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