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Woman commits suicide by burning herself alive

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On the news earlier a woman committed suicide by pouring petrol over herself and igniting it IN A PETEROL STATION!!!

Apparantley she was suffering from depression,now i can understand someone thinking they cant carry on and taking the easy way out (although it must take guts to do this),i just dont think its right that she should put others at risk and ensure that other people have to witness it.

Personally a few beers and a stack of pills and somewhere i have a connection with would be my choice

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On the news earlier a woman committed suicide by pouring petrol over herself and igniting it IN A PETEROL STATION!!!

Apparantley she was suffering from depression,now i can understand someone thinking they cant carry on and taking the easy way out (although it must take guts to do this),i just dont think its right that she should put others at risk and ensure that other people have to witness it.

Personally a few beers and a stack of pills and somewhere i have a connection with would be my choice


Do you have a link ?

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Is it possible do you think, that someone who is in a mental state to self emoliate isn't thinking rationally?


good question and never suffered from depression or any mental illness myself i cannot give an honest answer

It just seems to me to be a strange way to end things

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I don't get why people say suicide is the cowards way out. Surely people who commit suicide feel there is absolutely no other option so in that case it isn't a choice and therefore can't be cowardly


Some people have little understanding how mental health issues can affect people.

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good question and never suffered from depression or any mental illness myself i cannot give an honest answer

It just seems to me to be a strange way to end things


She meant to end it - as do those who go under a train or off a roof top... Tablets etc are often a cry for help, or in some cases, for attention, but a extreme act where there is no coming back from -that shows they didn't mean to survive... Poor soul!

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I don't get why people say suicide is the cowards way out. Surely people who commit suicide feel there is absolutely no other option so in that case it isn't a choice and therefore can't be cowardly


firstly i think you must be in a really bad place to contemplate taking your own life and secondly i think it takes guts to go through with it

But personally i would hope i would be strong enough to fight the feelings,i had a friend who took his own life because of women trouble and he had many other options,he just took the easy one

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