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Goodbye To The Windsor Pub


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My dad worked at the windsor in 1965, the landlord was Authur white, and i remember they had a boxer dog called carlo. The dog had no teeth so you could never say he was nasty. my dad would take us down into the cellar and we would have a drink straight from the barrel.And of course everyone had there seating arrangements. Queenie was like a money lender she always used to sit in the snug. After the whites left, some one called campbell took over, bit of a slim ball, thats when the pub start to go down hill.I worked there in 19 71/72.and the land lord was then called cyril and Joan, cannot remeber his second name.I worked there for about 2/3 years, really enjoyed it.I left after that. I did go in the windsor a couple of times after that, but not the same. It must be 30 years since i went in. I loved my time there.

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Joe williams had it in the fifties and always let us go upstairs to pick off the christmas tree.


My gram and grandad held their ruby and gold wedding anniversaries upstairs in the function room.


When Pubs used to shut at 10,everyone would go across to my grans at Christmas for a massive party where they would all do a turn while my dad played the piano.


One Chritmas all my family were in and my grandad had a tray of drinks knocked out of his hand by a drunken Irish lad who was in with his mates,when my dad asked for the drinks paying for the Irish lad refused so my dad cracked him.


Everything went off and my mother buried a stilletto heel in one of their heads,anyway the black maria came and carted the Irish lads away,the next dinnertime both Larry Jones and Harry Beckett who were waiters on said it was the best fight they had ever seen and that they had had to take out six dustbins full of broken glasses.


Happy days!!!!!!!!!!

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Joe williams had it in the fifties and always let us go upstairs to pick off the christmas tree.


My gram and grandad held their ruby and gold wedding anniversaries upstairs in the function room.


When Pubs used to shut at 10,everyone would go across to my grans at Christmas for a massive party where they would all do a turn while my dad played the piano.


One Chritmas all my family were in and my grandad had a tray of drinks knocked out of his hand by a drunken Irish lad who was in with his mates,when my dad asked for the drinks paying for the Irish lad refused so my dad cracked him.


Everything went off and my mother buried a stilletto heel in one of their heads,anyway the black maria came and carted the Irish lads away,the next dinnertime both Larry Jones and Harry Beckett who were waiters on said it was the best fight they had ever seen and that they had had to take out six dustbins full of broken glasses.


Happy days!!!!!!!!!!


Joe Williams son Brian was my pal, he was found dead in Thailand last year.

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I forgot to mention the off sales,there were three waiting on in there and there was a permanant queue and a line of older ladies drinking halves before they took their mesters jug home.


When my grama used to send me for three gills i was under strict instructions to go to Doris cos she gave good measure.


I swear that those off sales took more money in a week thad most pubs did.

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Anyone remember talent night in the concert room? prizes were 10 shilling ,5 shilling and half a crown.


We had la, la so called cos he always forgot the words,supersonic Pete,David Dawson always did Rawhide and you usually got some chancer that had heard about the ten bob prize and decided to try his luck.

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