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Smoking at Hallamshire Hospital.

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:huh: whatever the situation...smoking outside the entrance to a hospital is unacceptable and should be clammped down upon


sat in a wheelchair hooked up to an oxygen tank smoking a fag .... what does that tell you

even if they are in there for something else I am sure smoking isnt going to help the situation...... smoking kills.................. FACT


I lost my mother through smoking and she was one of those who would be outside the doors puffing away....


My neighbour died of lung cancer, through smoking. I was only young when it happened. When he got told the news, he didn't stop smoking. He had smoked all his life so he didn't intend to stop smoking then.


Some people have a different outlook on life. Get used to it. Not everyone has to see things through your eyes.

I can't understand why people (kids and adults) sit up all night playing silly X Box and Play Station games (which are also bad for you), but I wouldn't want them to stop because I was against it.


As long as smokers keep them selves to them selves, why should it be anyone's business??

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My neighbour died of lung cancer, through smoking. I was only young when it happened. When he got told the news, he didn't stop smoking. He had smoked all his life so he didn't intend to stop smoking then.


Some people have a different outlook on life. Get used to it. Not everyone has to see things through your eyes.

I can't understand why people (kids and adults) sit up all night playing silly X Box and Play Station games (which are also bad for you), but I wouldn't want them to stop because I was against it.


As long as smokers keep them selves to them selves, why should it be anyone's business??


like I said my mother died from emphasema (sp)...I never once preached to her to stop, she knew it was killing her, but it was her choice at the end of the day

I think her biggest regret was starting in the first place

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So fumes that are useful for you are fine? Inflicting these fumes on others who have not had the same use of your vehicle? Glad we've sorted that one out :rolleyes:


Anything you buy will have been deilivered by a truck or van...so I suggest that a lot of vehicle miles are of use to you also..

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Correct. This is why there should always be a smoking shelter available.


I agree with this.

Many patients are addicted to smoking, their health is poor because of it and that is why they are there. Without shelters they are going to find places to smoke anyway. At least the shelters are provided to give them a safe place to do it where they are causing less inconvenience to others.

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So fumes that are useful for you are fine? Inflicting these fumes on others who have not had the same use of your vehicle? Glad we've sorted that one out :rolleyes:


I presume you sit around in the dark without the heating switched on and eat grass so you don't cause polution that would affect others. Sadly the methane you produce and building the house you live in are another matter. Glad we've sorted that one out :rolleyes:


How do you post without a computer?


Sadly you won't understand this.

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maybe not.....still shouldnt be smoking outside a hospital entrance and an intelligent person like yourself must know that this isnt acceptable


It may not be acceptable but its not illegal to do so as the smoking laws don't cover smoking outside...yet!


If the health authorities were that worried then they should band together and lobby Parliament to get the laws extended to cover hospital grounds. It seems though that they are not that bothered and have even gone to the extent of providing a smoking area as well.


Till it becomes illegal then its up to the individual to decide.

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like I said my mother died from emphasema (sp)...I never once preached to her to stop, she knew it was killing her, but it was her choice at the end of the day

I think her biggest regret was starting in the first place


So did my mum in law, she was 85 and had smoked since she was 13, she had COPD and asthma for 5 years before she died, but her words were, "I don't drink or go out to disco's , how dare they try and lecture me on having a ciggy, it's my one enjoyment!" (she was a very feisty Liverpool lass originally!)....


She used to have a ciggy outside her care home with her carer, and it was the highlight of her day. I defy anyone to take that away from someone who moved from Liverpool to London, survived the blitz, brought up 4 children, and had a happy marriage for 64 years.


It may just be a person like my wonderful mum in law having a ciggy outside the hospital or wherever, ours is not the place to judge anyone.


We all have free will, and realise the dangers, I wish people would respect that more!

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