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Le Bistrot Pierre - new winter menu


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Anybody else tried the winter menu? As a customer, I'd highly recommend it. Oh, and the service is excellent, too! We'd gone, intending a light two-course lunch... then heard they had moules marinières..! (And no, I don't work for or have any connection with the company). It's on Ecclesall Rd, just up a bit from the park.

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Yes we know where it is mifein. It's another chain restaurant like the millions that we've got already in this city.


It looks great from the outside I must admit. We booked there one saturday night and ended up walking out without dining - it was absolute chaos.


We'd booked for 9pm and got in there about 10 mins before 9. There were arguments kicking off all over the place between customers who'd booked tables and had been waiting over an hour - so you can imagine what we felt? What time would be be sitting down to eat if those who'd booked for 8pm were still waiting?


We ordered some drinks and hung around for about half an hour, during which time we didn't see any waiting staff and weren't offered any menu's - so in the end we paid up for the drinks and walked out and went somewhere else.


Sounds like they've got this shambles of a service sorted out then? Great! I've not heard anyone recommend their food so far - only you. So I'd need a bit more convincing.


I can cook perfectly well myself so if I'm going out I don't want frozen microwave stuff. Go on someone - assure me!

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It actually got a really good review in last nights Star. They have moved things about inside creating more of a bar downstairs.


I've not tried it yet but keep meaning too.


Incidently Mifein, 5 out of your 6 posts are about Le Bistrot Pierre. Who you trying to kid?

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Wow - on a couple of fronts. 1: helluva bad experience, Derby Tup. We've never experienced anything but smooth service over the last couple of years. And Wow-2 - you guys are really cynical! :). I really am just a customer, and if I've posted five times on it it must be over quite a timespan; I've not been on the Forum for a long time, and I seem to recall my first post about it was in response to someone asking for a decent place to eat in the area. We do eat elsewhere but enjoy it here. As for it being a chain - it started with one and last time I checked, many (many) months ago,had about eight or nine, although I don't know the total now. Not much of a chain. And as a non-psychopath - offer the drink and I'll take it - especially if it's a decent single malt!

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Wow - on a couple of fronts. 1: helluva bad experience, Derby Tup. We've never experienced anything but smooth service over the last couple of years. And Wow-2 - you guys are really cynical! :). I really am just a customer, and if I've posted five times on it it must be over quite a timespan; I've not been on the Forum for a long time, and I seem to recall my first post about it was in response to someone asking for a decent place to eat in the area. We do eat elsewhere but enjoy it here. As for it being a chain - it started with one and last time I checked, many (many) months ago,had about eight or nine, although I don't know the total now. Not much of a chain. And as a non-psychopath - offer the drink and I'll take it - especially if it's a decent single malt!


that's fair comment mifein.


It's a small chain restaurant - and that doesn't mean it's bad. I'm just not very keen on chain restaurants full stop. But I do agree that they serve a purpose and delight millions of people.


I wouldn't rule out going again but I'd like to hear more people raving about the food and their experiences there. I don't hear much about it tbh.


As for getting a positive review in the Star newspaper - that counts for absolutely zero in my book.


That guy Dawes is so nice to everyone - I mean, did he ever write a bad review on anywhere? I've read a number of his reviews and I don't find them very objective I'm afraid. I also don't think that being a well recognised restaurant writer is the best way to test a restaurant either.


I buy the Good Food Guide (only) if I want an objective review of a place. I don't buy Egon Ronay, or Les Routiers or AA because they are also a load of rubbish - they take money for entries in the guide - which is not independent for that reason.


It is true of course that some establishments feature in several guides, so a restaurant that is in the GFG could also be in the others. But if you want a truly independent objective guide to restaurants then the GFG is the only one I would consider to be that.


Few restaurants in Sheffield make it as an entry in that guide - which is about right imo.

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Good points, Derby. Clearly you enjoy quality food, service and atmosphere. My wife did tell me, but I forgot to mention, that Pierre gets good ratings on Trip Advisor (again, of course, it's open to abuse on both the good and bad aspects). I've never contributed to that, but I do write as I find. I did once have to tell the Pierre manager that one of our dishes arrived later than the others... and he was honest enough to say the chef had had to cook a new dish as he'd dropped the first one on the floor!


Have you tried the new Gusto, in Norfolk Way? The young couple have moved out of their Gusto Italiano on Church Street, which we always enjoyed, whether for lunch or just a good coffee. My wife and a friend had lunch there the other day and I had a latte this morning - excellent.


Wherever you're dining - enjoy!

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