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Le Bistrot Pierre - new winter menu


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Yes we know where it is mifein. It's another chain restaurant like the millions that we've got already in this city.


It looks great from the outside I must admit. We booked there one saturday night and ended up walking out without dining - it was absolute chaos.


We'd booked for 9pm and got in there about 10 mins before 9. There were arguments kicking off all over the place between customers who'd booked tables and had been waiting over an hour - so you can imagine what we felt? What time would be be sitting down to eat if those who'd booked for 8pm were still waiting?


We ordered some drinks and hung around for about half an hour, during which time we didn't see any waiting staff and weren't offered any menu's - so in the end we paid up for the drinks and walked out and went somewhere else.


Sounds like they've got this shambles of a service sorted out then? Great! I've not heard anyone recommend their food so far - only you. So I'd need a bit more convincing.


I can cook perfectly well myself so if I'm going out I don't want frozen microwave stuff. Go on someone - assure me!


Sounds like you had a lucky escape.At least you didn't have to eat any of their food.

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I'll stick my oar in here and say that our one visit to Le Bistrot was great - particularly because they coped easily with the fact that Mrs Jack's Rake is coeliac, unlike some of the places lower down the road who claim to but don't. My meal was great too; can't remember what I had though.


This is my first Bistrot Pierre-related post.



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Good points, Derby. Clearly you enjoy quality food, service and atmosphere. My wife did tell me, but I forgot to mention, that Pierre gets good ratings on Trip Advisor (again, of course, it's open to abuse on both the good and bad aspects). I've never contributed to that, but I do write as I find. I did once have to tell the Pierre manager that one of our dishes arrived later than the others... and he was honest enough to say the chef had had to cook a new dish as he'd dropped the first one on the floor!


Have you tried the new Gusto, in Norfolk Way? The young couple have moved out of their Gusto Italiano on Church Street, which we always enjoyed, whether for lunch or just a good coffee. My wife and a friend had lunch there the other day and I had a latte this morning - excellent.


Wherever you're dining - enjoy!


Hello Mifein,


yes we've tried the new Gusto on Norfolk Row - we think it's excellent. To be honest, we liked the old one just as much - and in some ways more. When it was on Church Street they used to have a big counter with all kinds of ready made Italian snacks in there. Chicken. peppers and pesto rolls, individual slices of pizza, etc. I thought that was great for just a quick lunch, plus the coffee was beautiful (Starbucks eat your heart out!).


We went in the new place about a week ago at lunch. They don't do the same kind of things now - the snacks are gone - they are aiming more at people wanting a sit down meal - which I think in some ways is a bit of a shame. So, it's gone from being a bit of a pop-in and have a casual snack and a coffee and read some newspapers - to more formal dining.


However, we induldged and the food and wine was superb. I do think it leaves Sheffield lacking in nice easy going casual places that serve good sandwiches/snacks at lunch with great drinks and coffee.

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I've been twice, taking advantage of the offer on Sundays (I think they may do it on Monday as well) of 2 courses and a bottle of wine (each) for £20.90. The two courses are from their Early Bird/Theatre menu only but there's a decent selection.


It was excellent both times, although it was a Sunday night so maybe not so busy. Certainly no problems with the service at all.

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