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Weird sayings in 'families' - well in mine

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its not the cough that carries you off

its the coffin they carry you off in...




if your aunt had been your uncle, there'd be another pair of b*lls in the family


what is the point of these sayings (as they are both obvious) and do any of you have any similar to share...

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Our Family also says the Coffin one. Others are.


I,m stood ere like Clem Alice


I,m as Old as my Tongue and a little Older than my Teeth.


Rooer, tha'll pee less!


It's a bit black o'er Bills' Mothers'


My Mum always use to say to me when I was a kid 'Look where your going - not where you've been'

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Originally posted by dawny1

Our Family also says the Coffin one. Others are.


I,m stood ere like Clem Alice


I,m as Old as my Tongue and a little Older than my Teeth.


Rooer, tha'll pee less!


It's a bit black o'er Bills' Mothers'


My Mum always use to say to me when I was a kid 'Look where your going - not where you've been'


Are you and I related Dawny :confused:

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my mum says "well I'll go to the end of the garden" as an experession of surprise! with a variation of "I'll go to the top of the stairs"

also was taught from a very young age that all egg shells (particularly from soft boiled eggs with soldiers) should be smashed up into little bits so that the witches cant sail in them (!???)

quite obviously barking mad, the lot of them!

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When I was little and used to ask my mum what was for tea. If she didn't know what she was going to cook she used to say..


"three runs 'round table and a kick at pantry door"




I said the same to my kids this week and they looked at me like I had 2 heads

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A run round t'kitchen & a kick at the pantry door

we had 'a jump at the cupboard door and a bite at the knob' :suspect:


and 'black o'er Bills mothers' was always a good one... tho my bro kept wanting to meet Bills mother!!! :loopy:


erm... *thinks*... 'neither use nor ornament' is another one that i've had odd looks for saying... makes total sense to me!!!

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