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Weird sayings in 'families' - well in mine

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Trashybook, I loved YOUR family saying!!!! That will become a family one here too!!!


Also to Astraues, my mum and her sister used to say' it would never do for Miss Kinvaig, same meaning as the Miss Roper quote!!!!

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"Where are you going,Dad?" "I'm going puppy trotting,to see the monkeys jump"

"What's for tea Mum?" "Roast leg of liver and a run round the table and a kick at the cellar door"

"What's wrong Dad?" "There's nowt wrong wi' reyt folk"

Gran-"You kids,stop rantyin' on that chair or tha'll get a clip"

And my Grandads favourite bit of poetry:-


Moses and Aaron hiding in a bush'

Moes let off and Aaron said "Hush!"

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A few I remember various members of my family saying when I was younger.


I'll go to foot of our stairs.

when you asked my grandad where he was going he would often say there and back again to see how far it is.

Council pop.

Dark over bill's mother's (i remember asking my grandad whp bill's mother was)


S**t with sugar on.

Larking about.

eeh by gum.

Don't come runnning to me when you have fallen over and broken your leg.

Tint in tin.

Hecky thump.

You look like you have lost a bob and found a tanner.

My grandad who lives in Barnsley always used to say he was going to take us to Poggy (Pogmoor) Sands, so when I was a young child I thought there was really a beach there and was upset to find there wasn't, it was just a daft thing of my grandads.:)

Fur coat and no knickers

Mutton dressed as lamb.

Were you born in a field/wood.

Dog shelf.

Up the wooden hill or apples and pears.

It says bisto on side of barnsley buses it doesn't mean they sell it (this was from my dad who was a bus driver for over 20 years.

Plaiting fog.

What are you doing? Im riding a bike(even though they weren't)

My grandma still to this day says I don't know whether I'm on this earth or fullers. Which always makes me laugh as it reminds me of the cat litter fullers earth.

Edited by foxydebs
forgot some.
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Truth or April Fool? You decide :hihi:


It's also one of the main ingredients of the original clay face masks or 'mud packs' for gently removing facial impurities. We used to use it to dry shampoo the cat in lieu of being able to bathe her.


Wiki it if you don't believe me, but I speak only truth, Don't know if you can even get it these days.


I too remember this Ruby, think the only time i bought it,it was a cream and was told to use it for nappy rash on my daughter. she,s now 38.

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Whats for tea? bread, bread n what? nowt,nowt?yeah nowt on 1 side an same on other. Mum used to say it all the time, and i now say it to my grandchildren,


Another my mum used when asked where she was going is, Down lynley lane and i dont know if i,ll be back, Never did understand it. Does anyone out there know?

Edited by thai
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