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Weird sayings in 'families' - well in mine

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My grandad used to say ' and the Lord said onto Moses, all men shall have square noses'.

Also - 'and the Lord said onto Moses, come forth. But Moses came fifth so he was disqualified'.  Don't know which we laughed at most - the sayings or my nan spluttering with righteous indignation. 🤣

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49 minutes ago, Rollypolly said:

My grandad used to say ' and the Lord said onto Moses, all men shall have square noses'.

.....and my grandad used to say ‘and the Lord said unto Moses all the men shall have round noses except Aaron shall have a square ‘un ‘

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Love alL these replies - and I've heard various permutations of many of them - like when we used to ask my dad "what's for tea" , he would say "a sniff of your mother's apron and a kick up  t'arse"..... which I guess is much the same meal as "sh-t  wi'  sugar on" .


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From my mother, I only heard her say it once but it stays with me:


"Its like a turd in a pot - the more your stir it, the more it stinks"


She was referring to the Jeremy Thorpe scandal as more information kept coming out.

 I think sometime in the 1970s.  Still relevant.

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If you asked what was for tea both my mum and my gran used to say ‘a run round ‘t table and a kick at cellar door ‘. 

On 21/10/2020 at 00:05, Longcol said:

My gran (Dad's side) buttering bread -" Ah scrawps it on and ah scrawps it off agin."


She could have made butties for the five thousand with a pound of lurpak.

If she asked you to butter bread my gran used to say ‘and don be leaving owt so as we don grease us fingers’-in other words butter to the edges. 

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