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Doctors to lose power to say who's sick..

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It's not really the idea that some people are malingering that offends me the most...Its said, rather well, by this comment under the article by a reader..


"Says a Prime Minster living in a FREE house, with FREE security and FREE transport for life, backed up by one of the most generous Gold Plated Pensions available to politicians in the EU. 'Free Loader Extra-ordinaire.' Then followed up upon being kicked out of office, will be his directorships of all the British Crown Jewels"


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2065491/David-Cameron-I-end-sicknote-culture-acts-conveyor-belt-life-benefits.html#ixzz1ecDDaFLT

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the Prime Minster is working though, unlike these people.



I've got no doubt that the prime minister is a talented, intellegent and hard working man.

However, he has far more foreign holidays with his family than anyone I have ever met.


He enjoys his privilaged position due to his coming from a multimilionaire family, who were able to maximise his intellegence and talent by paying for the best education money could buy. He can never fully understand what it is like for someone who is a normal person.

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From the Daily Mail

An expert report for Downing Street suggested more than three-quarters of GPs admitted they had signed people off sick for reasons other than their physical health.

Civil servants, it said, took an average 8.2 days off sick last year. But while those at the Treasury took just 3.2 days, those at the Northern Ireland Office took 12.1 days.

Guess how many I took.




From the Guardian (the most unlikely of sources)

Sick leave costs the NHS £1.7bn a year



It seems reasonable to allow GP's to get on with treating sick people instead of having their surgeries cluttered up with malingerers.

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As been said before on other threads, it will just be a "box ticking" exercise carried out by a private business who employ monkeys which don't know their backside from their elbow let alone have any medical knowledge what-so-ever.

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QUOTE...From the Daily Mail


An expert report for Downing Street suggested more than three-quarters of GPs admitted they had signed people off sick for reasons other than their physical health.


It seems reasonable to allow GP's to get on with treating sick people instead of having their surgeries cluttered up with malingerers. END QUOTE


Perhaps some of the GPs quoted in the Daily Mail who have signed people off for reasons other than there physical health, signed people off due to their mental health.

Three years ago I was signed off work for 2 months due to a psychiatric condition and then had a phased return to work in conjunction with the Occupational Health Dept. at the NGH.

Given that at the mental health charity Mind suggest that 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problems sometime in our lives, then many people who are off work for reasons other than physical health could be off for psychiatric reasons.

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"Says a Prime Minster living in a FREE house, with FREE security and FREE transport for life, backed up by one of the most generous Gold Plated Pensions available to politicians in the EU.


I wonder if the MP's pensions will be cut back like the rest of the civil servants and local government workers?

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