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Media Ethics Enquiry

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looks like our national newspaper empires are being torn apart at the moment, considering all the testimonies in courts and the Murdochs now having no control in this country


i think it will not make a slightest difference to the media, the governments need the media as much as possible because without the media they will have nobody to fund their interests and do all their spin doctoring so they will never impose any real sanctions on the media because media can be bought, once bought they can spoon feed the public into believing exactly what they want so sanctioning our newspapers will never really happen


i also think that newspapers intercepting voice mails of dead people and missing children is sick, the press are like locusts and blood sucking leeches that feed off other peoples grief just to sell a 30p piece of gutter trash gossip rag

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who or what is sienna. I heard her on the radio but am clueless as to what she is/does/represents.


I have only seen her in stardust, which I don't think will be her most well known work. Shes an actress!


The question is why would someone so little known inspire this kind of action from the paps?:loopy:


The answer is obviously you (in a "your country needs you" poster kind of way). If everyone stopped reading the crud that passes for news the paps would stop ruining peoples lives!


Sadly the metro has recently had a revamp and now has plenty more celeb dullness and tv rubbish!! Has it been taken by the murdoch empire:suspect:

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This policy of promoting Celebrities by the press is a way of them getting more regular stories. As the press dies a long slow death because of falling sales, they have less proper journalists and just have media commentators with stupid made up names to hide the nepotism.


They are trying to wean the dumb readership off proper news and on to more celebrity tittle tattle, because they can control these stories. If you go back 20 years there was a great deal more actual "news" in the tabloids. Nowadays it is just opinions, scare stories and celebs, because they know a certain type of gullable person will get addicted to that kind of thing.

News on the other hand is now all covered by numerous 24 hour news channels.

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You're right. They'll say sorry, lie low for a bit and then return to their nasty little ways with their lies and untruths.


I always understood they bent the truth slightly, but its amazing how much they can get away with the blatent lies. Now I read stories with a vat of salt handy!

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I can't understand why MPs are wasting time on this,as there is a police enquiry going on at the same time.It is purely a police matter, or if you have not been hacked you're a nobody. Maybe MPs are scared some more of their discretions will be revealed.

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I can't understand why MPs are wasting time on this,as there is a police enquiry going on at the same time.It is purely a police matter, or if you have not been hacked you're a nobody. Maybe MPs are scared some more of their discretions will be revealed.


because they are trying to decide whether they need an independant complaints body-easy answer yes, difficult answer in what form?


Of course it isn't a police matter!

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