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Media Ethics Enquiry

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The price of fame. I remember when Beckham was blubbing the other year because reporters wouldn't leave him alone. The media left him alone for about 6 weeks and then he then began to blub when he couldn't get his ugly mug in the papers.

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The price of fame. I remember when Beckham was blubbing the other year because reporters wouldn't leave him alone. The media left him alone for about 6 weeks and then he then began to blub when he couldn't get his ugly mug in the papers.


it depends what you are famous for doesn't it. JKRowling is a writer, why do we need to see pictures of her new baby:loopy:


Jordan clearly gets what she deserves.


The problem is because rowling wants to avoid the press they chase her and because Jordan chases the press no-one cares.


Also what about the people who are famous because their children have been murdered?

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Come along now, it was ever thus.


The British press are no different now to how they have always been. Their techniques have moved along with technology, allowing more prurient penetration into personal domains but the sentiment and was always there. Similarly, they feed demand that comes from their consumers.


To paraphrase Steve Coogan, yes we get the burglars we deserve. For affected individuals that can be tragic, but it only represents the conditions that we collectively create.


Don't believe me? Our media is jam packed full of quality writing; incisive, accurate, well researched, funny and enlightening. It holds up the mirror to our society. Like the burglar, you just have to decide which part of our society you want to be a part of.

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I can't understand why MPs are wasting time on this,as there is a police enquiry going on at the same time.It is purely a police matter, or if you have not been hacked you're a nobody. Maybe MPs are scared some more of their discretions will be revealed.


Couldn't disagree more.


This is exactly the type of good work that MPs should be doing - away from the braying of the debating chamber, MP's from all parties can work together on important issues.


This enquiry is about far more than just phone hacking - although that is obviously one of the key issues. Its looking at everything from the conduct of the press, the effectiveness of the current system of regulation, how people challenge lies about themselves, the right to privacy.

There is also the over arching question of the Murdoch Empire - should a single individual control such a large part of the media?


It is not just about a few celebrities caught with their pants down - what about the Dowler family or the Watson family who's murdered daughter was repeatedly attacked by one paper causing her brother to kill himself as a result?


A strong independent press that can investigate serious issues with integrity is essential in a democracy. So called 'news' papers which rifle through actors bins, threaten their children, or deliberately peddle lies are a disgrace. That they can act outside the law without fear of being stopped just shows how low they have gone and how much this rotten system needs to change.

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looks like our national newspaper empires are being torn apart at the moment, considering all the testimonies in courts and the Murdochs now having no control in this country


i think it will not make a slightest difference to the media, the governments need the media as much as possible because without the media they will have nobody to fund their interests and do all their spin doctoring..


It's already made a massive diiference. The NOTW has folded, the Sun may follow it and so may others. The Mirror and Mail have already been implicated. James Murdoch can write his career off and Rupert Murdoch will see his empire slip out of his family's hands before his death.


MPs will no longer want to be associated with these people and laws will be brought in controlling press behaviour. The more all this gets aired the greater will be the feeling of disgust among the public, MPs and the decent parts of the media. That will be the greatest long-term effect on the media - the purging and isolation of the bad apples. The destruction of the Murdochs will be a momentous event.

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laws will be brought in controlling press behaviour.

I hope not. A pillar of democracy is a free and open press.


Much better that existing laws are used or improved to ensure that journalists, editors and proprietors go to jail when they are broken.


Don't wish for a controlled press - that's worse than what we have. If any politician so much as suggests it, object.

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it depends what you are famous for doesn't it. JKRowling is a writer, why do we need to see pictures of her new baby:loopy:


Jordan clearly gets what she deserves.


The problem is because rowling wants to avoid the press they chase her and because Jordan chases the press no-one cares.


Also what about the people who are famous because their children have been murdered?



We don't, the media is trying to tell us we do. However, would these people be so successful (whatever that is) if we didn't know who they were because they didn't get media attention?

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I think the press are just giving people what they want, just like the chav low-brow "entertainment" on Saturday nights or ITV2 or E4's complete output.


I've not bought a paper for ages, but no doubt somebody still is and feeding the media machine.

It doesn't have to be that way.


Get yourself a Kindle, subscribe to the Telegraph, Guardian, Times, Spectator, Business Week, FT... Then kick back and enjoy the writing without the pictures and other distractions.

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I think the press are just giving people what they want, just like the chav low-brow "entertainment" on Saturday nights or ITV2 or E4's complete output.


I've not bought a paper for ages, but no doubt somebody still is and feeding the media machine.


Nah, people are told what they want and then after a while, people begin to believe it. Clothes are another form of being dictated to, unless you buy tailored clothes. Life is full of things trying to influence you and it's generally money orientated.

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