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School 9-13

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As a very bored teenage school goer, I am very cheesed off with school. I HATE school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And I came up with this ingenious idea of starting school at the age of 9 and doing





English writing and reading (no speaking though reason coming),




PSHE (Personal Social Health Ed) Drugs ect



and German

for the first two years until you were 11 get graded in those subjects then choose what they want to take for their GCSE's or SATS. They get to choose whether they do


4 or 6 lessons of science a week (still doing Biology, Physics and Chemistry)


French or German

History or Geography

PE as a GCSE

Which DT to do


If you want to do say French and German you will have to sacrifice another choice (not do PE)


As compulsory you will have to do


English reading writing and speaking



Core PE


At the age of 13 Kids would do exams (GCSE's) and if they do not pass them they will be held back a year (at the age of 16 you would not be held back any longer and you will go away with how ever many GCSE's you have passed)


After school at the age of 13 you will have the choice to either go to "upper school" or take a year out and at the age of 14 go and work at a Pre arranged job- suited to your abilities as you have passed your GCSE's but you will get normal school holidays


In upper School (13 or 14 - 17) you will learn A level sort of things. And you will again have to do the compulsory subjects but you get to concentrate on 5 main other subjects and do them at a higher level.


At the end of upper school you will take a gap year to again a job, more of your choice this time though.


Then you will if you chose to go to university and do the normal Degree


And then you leave and go into the real world


What do you think??


I came up with this idea after not much thinking so if anyone has any suggestions on how to maybe improve it please say something


I'm awaiting Phan's post with anticipation!!



Oh yes the reason for not doing Speaking at the age of 9 is because most words we learn we learn between the ages of 0 and 9 because we have only really just found out how to talk so we talk constantly



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Not long left now though only these 2 years and then the 2 for A levels then the 3/4 for uni.

They are changing some courses for the lower than average kids in school to NVQ's in which they go out into the workplace to learn.

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Oh, and don't forget post grad vocational qualifications, the ream of certificates youi need to change career when you keep getting made redundant and the night school courses you'll need to do to keep your d***ed job in the first place.:loopy:

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the most important thing you learn at school, if you are lucky, is how to learn, and teach yourself.


You learned that at school !!?!?


You're luckier than I thought :D


I only really began to learn once I'd got over the school experience...


Find something you're interested in and study it - like back2basics with his physics :P


just don't ever stop learning for yourself... the more you learn the more you earn :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by fuzzy purple

Not long left now though only these 2 years and then the 2 for A levels then the 3/4 for uni.


It sounds like a life sentence when you say it like that, BUT you should make the most of it...you'll miss it when you've left school....they are the best days of your life. (crikey....I sound middle aged ):o

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