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School 9-13

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School is wasted on kids, imo. I was like you fletch, hated being at school and couldn't wait to leave as soon as I hit 16. 15 years later I went back to learning and got myself a degree which got me out of a dead end job. Anothe xx years down the road and I'm still learning, I've got another exam coming up next Saturday.


Believe me, do the best you can now as it gives you a whole lot more choices later on in life.

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Originally posted by max

School is wasted on kids, imo. I was like you fletch, hated being at school and couldn't wait to leave as soon as I hit 16. 15 years later I went back to learning and got myself a degree which got me out of a dead end job. Anothe xx years down the road and I'm still learning, I've got another exam coming up next Saturday.


Believe me, do the best you can now as it gives you a whole lot more choices later on in life.


I would be grateful to be associated with your post Max. Nice pointers.

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I enjoy some lessons in school (well, maybe just English). But you do find that some things you're taught are extremely irrelevant and will really never be needed. I also think you should have a choice of what language you want to do. I do French and German but to be honest I'd much prefer to drop German and do like Spanish instead as I don't see the point in me doing German, I know absolutely no German even though I've been learning it for 3 years.

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