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Toyota confirms 1,500 new jobs for Burnaston factory

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Brilliant news and on top of the 1000 or so Land Rover are creating good news for the British recovery from the over reliance on service industries so beloved of Blair and Brown.


Please tell me that was a joke :roll: ……….. we all know who it was that destroyed the manufacturing sector and brought us yuppies.

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These jobs actually lost due to the legal constraints forced on this government by Labours signing up to european tendering rules.


How do Baaaaaaarnsley Bill, shame this week saw the first of the 1400 or so job losses at the Derby rail plant formerly BREL (British Rail Engineering Ltd), privatised by the Cons and gradually run down by several subsequent foreign owners.
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Manufacturing ruined by Unions not tories.


Yep, these are the type of jobs the Cons hate, having spent the latter part of the last century destroying our manufacturing base, on the altar of the service economy and financial services garbage. Shows how desperate they are!
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This is very true. Toyota only set up a factory in the UK in the 1980s after Thatcher tamed the excesses of the unions that were killing off British Leyland and the rest of our motor industry.


I don't know where people get the idea that British manufacturing ever was "destroyed." It was costing the country billions during the 70s, true, but it was still making things - and nowadays it makes more than it ever did.



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I don't know where people get the idea that British manufacturing ever was "destroyed." It was costing the country billions during the 70s, true, but it was still making things - and nowadays it makes more than it ever did.




As far as I remember during the 1980s 3 major Japanese motor manufacturers set up factories in the UK but only after they negociated huge changes to the way unions would operate within the plants.

I heard on the news recently that Jaguar/Landrover are expanding production in the UK and that the Chinese are about to manufacture a new car in the Austin Rover factories that closed about 5 years ago when Rover Group went bust.

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Manufacturing was ruined by greedy union members determined to bring communism to the UK.


The unions wanted their wings clipping that’s for sure but Mrs T cut their head off ……… now its every man for themselves ……….. is that progress? :shakes:


Do you think that Toyota are investing here out of the goodness of there heart :hihi: they are investing here because they know we have the weakest worker rights out of the main European countries.

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