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Is SF turning into a political / religious propaganda tool?

Is SF turning into a propaganda tool?  

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  1. 1. Is SF turning into a propaganda tool?

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I'm tiring of the incessant flood of political / religious threads now, its just constant, most have no actual content apart from the odd soundbite and or pasted bit from some unknown biased website or a youtube video.

They are normally posted by trolls who have a very one sided agenda and dont actually want a debate just throw as much crap out there as they can. Infact most arent even actual members just people rejoining under assumed names just to post more biased opinions.


Its certainly a place for abuse by people who don't agree with each other and you are just as much a culprit as any other.


If you don't agree, tell everyone what you called a member earlier today before the thread was deleted, which was your aim I assume considering you know the forum rules and how to get a thread deleted.


I was no part of it and have very little in the way of interest in the topic of discussion at the time, but I was shocked at your juvenile attack. I thought you was one of the 'better' forum members but that doesn't seem to be the case any-more I'm sorry to say.

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See my other post. Would you join that other forum and start posting specific religious tension topics?


You might be new, but at least you've posted on a wide variety of topics.


I try to stay impartial unless I am familiar with the topic. Religion seems always to head down the same route which is frustrating for anyone who is having a serious debate. I agree with Suffragette and others, if posters can remain civil and still batter each other with coherent debate without resorting to verbal abuse then its good and i see no reason to close topics because others have no desire to do so.

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by the way people this threads not about moderating..........thats what gets threads deleted or locked, this is about people of a certain political persuasion using the forum as a tool for their own ends


Agendas and persuasions = personal interests.


We are all different are we not?

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Its certainly a place for abuse by people who don't agree with each other and you are just as much a culprit as any other.


If you don't agree, tell everyone what you called a member earlier today before the thread was deleted, which was your aim I assume considering you know the forum rules and how to get a thread deleted.


I was no part of it and have very little in the way of interest in the topic of discussion at the time, but I was shocked at your juvenile attack. I thought you was one of the 'better' forum members but that doesn't seem to be the case any-more I'm sorry to say.


i dont apologise, he WASNT a forum member he was a troll with one aim, as i said he WASNT here for debate.

it had nothing to do with me being on the opposite of him politically at all, nor was it to get the thread closed, the thread warrented it from the first post.

infact if it was to do with the word i called him then the word would be <removed> or my post wouldve been deleted like they normally are, thing is the whole thread didnt merit staying there was NO substance.

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thing is some arent even for debate, take the troll today all it was was a thread or two throwing anti hamas soundbites around and a youtube video


it WASNT a thread to debate hamas or to debate the middle east even, it was purely an anti hamas troll thread

when it got deleted he spat the dummy out and called the forum anti israeli........since most of the political / religious threads on here over the past 4 or 5 years have been anti muslim thats a bit rich lol

The troll usually posts anti Jewish crap.

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Agendas and persuasions = personal interests.


We are all different are we not?

it goes beyond persoanl interests it moves into obsession, some people ONLY post in certain threads normally political / religious


i myself do (and have been criticised for always being there)




check my posting history and youll find i welcome people to the forum, post happy birthdays, post to help people in the computer section, post about history in the history section, very occasionly in the sports section and i also post in the most stupid threads i can find..........i am not obsessed by the political / religious threads far from it


some people DO need to take a step back

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thing is some arent even for debate, take the troll today all it was was a thread or two throwing anti hamas soundbites around and a youtube video


it WASNT a thread to debate hamas or to debate the middle east even, it was purely an anti hamas troll thread

when it got deleted he spat the dummy out and called the forum anti israeli........since most of the political / religious threads on here over the past 4 or 5 years have been anti muslim thats a bit rich lol


I haven't paid any attention to the troll du jour with the anti-Hamas agenda. Aside from the single issue posters, we all use the forum for our own ends to some degree. If I am in the mood for some serious debate, then I'll gravitate towards certain threads, if I fancy a more of a banter and a laugh, then I stick to the more lighthearted ones.


And I do think that the term 'troll' gets misused, many use it erroneously to describe someone with views that are diametrically opposed to theirs. I've been accused of it before and I can assure you that I am not (I may look like one however but that's a different story), I do not have the primary intention of provoking members into an emotional response or upsetting anyone.

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