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Police attack humans with chemical weapon!

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people legitemately exercising their democratic right to PEACEFUL protest
On private property, reportedly for 2 weeks. And therein lies the casus belli.


I highly doubt they'd have been pepper-sprayed if they were on public property. Though in that case, on the evidence (ho-hum) of so many US cop reality shows, they may well have been shot (first) instead :D

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On private property, reportedly for 2 weeks. And therein lies the casus belli.


I highly doubt they'd have been pepper-sprayed if they were on public property. Though in that case, on the evidence (ho-hum) of so many US cop reality shows, they may well have been shot (first) instead :D


does it matter?

it was still a protest..............PEACEFULLY

pepper spraying for nothing is assault

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does it matter?
Under the US legal system, you betcha.


After that, of course, it's always going to be a matter of both personal attitude and stakeholder factors.


Owning the place, you might not mind the protest. Or you may have no choice because the protest is killing your business on the place. Or...


And if you just run the place, and still don't mind the protest, but the land/business owner wants them off yesterday, you do what must...or suffer the consequences (e.g. lose job, face breach of employment contract at Court, etc, etc.).


Skin that cat any number of ways, depending on however many factors are relevant.


The one constant (and very basic) principle is - protesting peacefully is fine, just don't do it on someone's personal patch.


Simples (and equitable) enough, I'd have thought?


Pepper spray is small beer anyway (try proper CS for a larf...not), less of a potential liability (and less painful) than forcibly removing (manhandling) the protesters.

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please take a look before you decide;


first off, in the first 2 minutes


1: the faculty have had threats

well then the poilce track down the ones doing the threats, not pepper spray those sitting down peafefully.


2: they were warned they would be pepper sprayed

and? its still assault, its like saying im going to smash your face in, its still assault even if i warned you first.


5 minutes in

"allowing" the police to go

is that before or after the pepper spraying? to me it seems after, course people are gonna be angry after innocent demonstrators being assaulted for no reason


6 minutes in

1: i believe the police are trapped in a do or dont scenario but i believe theres OTHER avenues of removing them


2: the commentator mentions a lone cop

im not sure he did it alone? surely it would have been from orders above?


all in all that video does nothing to change my views, its assault pure and simple

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They were obstructing people on private property - breaking the law - so they received appropriate treatment.


so why not lift them up and carry them off?

thats what they do here


or get a court order to remove them?


theres a few things that can be done BEFORE pepper spraying unarmed people sitting down

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