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Record store day tommorow (November 25th)

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people moan about the british institution the pub dying and the various reasons.


heres another one now with a day to go support them on, with the advent of the internet and downloading etc, shops selling physical media are dieing, particulrly shops that ONLY sell music, cos the usual run of the mill public also buy their cds from supermarkets.


for me record shops and later cds have been an important part of my growing up.


If you insist on calling the record shop a 'record store', at least use the correct spelling! ;)

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Not too long ago Virgin (or was when it'd been taken over by Zavvi?) seemed to have a fairly decent amount of vinyl, and HMV in town also stocked it until perhaps a couple of years ago - it wasn't much but it's surprising they had any. Of course there's no sign of it now at the back of the store where it once was. You can buy a Twilight poster instead though :|

Yes. The irony being that, as some of the nation's largest music retailers their initial early nineties policy of dropping vinyl made a large contribution to it's demise but when it refused to die, they rather hypocritically, brought it back. I'm not convinced that vinyl sales would ever have dropped so low if the major retailers had not discontinued their support of the format.


HMV now seems to be a DVD store with a major sideline in games and iPod accessories and the occasional cd. I've no interest in walking into a branch now. If you'd told me in 1983, standing in HMV Bond Street, London that a day would come when I couldn't even be bothered walking into a record shop I'd have looked at you as if you were mad. :( How times change.

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I was going to pop in today as there were two things I was hoping to get. When I tried to call Record Collector to confirm participation, no answer. So I slept in.

As yesterday was Thanksgiving in my life, I was busy eating dinner from about 3pm on. No more time to follow up on.


Now Im annoyed as I would have gone over :(

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