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William de Lovelot


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Browsing around, I came across a site called http://www.yorkshire-england.co.uk.

In a section on Sheffield, written by a man who has written 14 books on northern history, is the claim;


'Sheffield was the site of a mediaeval castle, founded by a Norman with the delightful name of William de Lovelot'.


Now I don't want to make a fool of myself, but I have never heard of this man as anything other than William de Lovetot.


Am I right or not? If I am right, it makes me wonder how someone who writes extensively on northern history could have got it so wrong. I might have thought it was just a typo, were it not for the 'delightful' comment.

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It says this chap lives in the North east- so I'm guesing he knows nothing about Sheffield- lots of people write things about our city sometimes assuming the locals are so stupid they won't spot the mistakes. I know whenever I read the 'poem' on the side of the Hallam Uni building in town, I wonder if Andrew Moion ever even bothered visiting the city.

I once read an article in a magazine promoting investment in Yorkshire which said that Leeds was south of Barnsley and Sheffield! I did write a letter pointing out that basic mistakes like this are inexcusable but I really don't think anyone cares too much anymore!

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Browsing around, I came across a site called http://www.yorkshire-england.co.uk.

In a section on Sheffield, written by a man who has written 14 books on northern history, is the claim;


'Sheffield was the site of a mediaeval castle, founded by a Norman with the delightful name of William de Lovelot'.


Now I don't want to make a fool of myself, but I have never heard of this man as anything other than William de Lovetot.


Am I right or not? If I am right, it makes me wonder how someone who writes extensively on northern history could have got it so wrong. I might have thought it was just a typo, were it not for the 'delightful' comment.


Its probably the proof reader that missed it, only people with knowledge of medieval history or Sheffield would notice the mistake.

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there is a or was a road between attercliffe road and effingham road.the traffic lights top of stevenson road if you go straight across then you would be on lovetot road must have been shortest road in sheffield they often name roads after people

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