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William de Lovelot


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I'm sure I've read some where that the road below the castle market, (is it Castle gate ?) was at one time called " Loves gutter".

I presume this was back when it was just a lane/path below the Castle wall along side the Don.


It was actually called 'Trueloves Gutter'

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Browsing around, I came across a site called http://www.yorkshire-england.co.uk.

In a section on Sheffield, written by a man who has written 14 books on northern history, is the claim;


'Sheffield was the site of a mediaeval castle, founded by a Norman with the delightful name of William de Lovelot'.


Now I don't want to make a fool of myself, but I have never heard of this man as anything other than William de Lovetot.


Am I right or not? If I am right, it makes me wonder how someone who writes extensively on northern history could have got it so wrong. I might have thought it was just a typo, were it not for the 'delightful' comment.


Medieval names and spelling in general had lots of variants. It is dreadful when you are researching someone.


It was often spelt Lovelot and here is an example.


"Before 1066, land was mainly owned and managed by local farmers. Roger de Bullis (this is spelt several ways) became lord of the manor and built a castle, but passed the land onto William de Lovelot. In 1103, Lovelot constructed a priory. Agricultural commodities remained the mainstay of Worksop for centuries, and an unusual crop grown included liquorice."





There are some well known names here from the 13th century including John de Lovelot. If I remember correctly it was Roger de Lovelot who was a sheriff of Nottingham and a horrible man.


Gilbert de Preston, Mart, de Litilbiri, John de Cobham, Roger de Seyton, Richard de Stanes, Walter de Hopton, fohn de Lovelot, Henry de Montfort, Ralph de Frenyng




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