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£1bn scheme to help young jobless..BUT..

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but us older ones have seen it all before from the tory idiots, remember it was Thatchers government that was responsible for most of the national industry's being sold off to foreigners or closed down in the name of competition.

Except that there has been more selling off of nationalised industry under Labour since 1997 than under the 'tory idiots'.


And it's maybe best if we don't talk about the motor industry.

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High unemployment is a price worth paying


With what aim in mind? To drive wages down so the super rich can give themselves another 49% pay increase next year too? The greed of the few has already destroyed the economy. The greedy fools have ensured that no one has got anything left in their pockets to buy what they are selling.:hihi:

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This is a joke. Using taxpayers money to subsidise business.


So I imagine many of these youth will go through A4E then onto a retail apprenticeship at ASDA, or become subsidised servants. The private sector will receive more in subsidy than it would have cost to keep a young person on the dole.


What happened to the freemarket?


Bank deposits - guaranteed.

Mortgages - guaranteed/paid

Jobs- directly subsidised


People - Forced to work for the sake of working


Wonder how much extra handwringing will be going down at A4e?

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Except that there has been more selling off of nationalised industry under Labour since 1997 than under the 'tory idiots'.


And it's maybe best if we don't talk about the motor industry.


Could you share the information that you have at your disposal that leads you to make that comment, please.


And amongst those industries sold off by Labour, how many were not already in the process of being sold off by their Tory predecessors?


Labour were wrong not to put a halt to the wheels in motion, but all things considered, perhaps it was too far down the road.

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Could you share the information that you have at your disposal that leads you to make that comment, please.


And amongst those industries sold off by Labour, how many were not already in the process of being sold off by their Tory predecessors?


Labour were wrong not to put a halt to the wheels in motion, but all things considered, perhaps it was too far down the road.


wrong thread, not sure what happened there. SF went funny

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Except that there has been more selling off of nationalised industry under Labour since 1997 than under the 'tory idiots'.


And it's maybe best if we don't talk about the motor industry.

They did sell off or shut the main heavy employment industry's coal steel railways water electricity gas telephones post on and on all these company's employed people on mass, not anymore they mite have been unprofitable but they gave people gainful employment better than putting people on the dole,you need to look at the history of the British motor industry and you will see most of the death nails were driven into the industry under the tory governments of the past Rover was already a lost cause when Labour came to power in 97 due to 20 years of tory abuse,the torys let Honda and Toyota set up here as they paid massive back handers to the torys the same British workers are putting them cars together,our workers can out work any Japanese workers,this country was sold down the line by Thatcher and her government.

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Got it in one. It's the Tory model of 'redistribution of wealth' - taking from the poor to give to the rich.

Erm.... the 2008 bank bailouts. Wasn't that using taxpayers money to subsidise business? Who was in charge then?


Oh wait, it was the NuTories. Sorry, my mistake.


Anyway, this may have a bearing on why youth unemployment is so high


Net migration to UK in 2010 at record high

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