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British women come 1st in Europe

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I was talking to a school friend about this the other day and we both observed how there were hardly any young overweight, never mind obese people, when we were nippers.


that's because we all walked everywhere and played out every night

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One in 4 obese - and yet the government says that we are all going to live longer ??? So are they saying that obesity , smoking , excess alcohol and poor diet all contribute to a long and happy life and that we will all drain the pensions system cos of living into our 80's ? :huh:


It's a directive not an estimate on our longevity.


'You vill verk longer'

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The nation is getting fatter because we move around less, compare the 1980s to now


Kids used to play out on bikes, or climb trees or build dens. Kids these days play on playstations.


In the 80s, when it snowed kids went sledging, had snowball fights, built snowmen and build skid patches in the school playground, these days if it snows the kids are sent home from school for there own safety.


Kids walked to school, these days kids are driven to school, even if its only less than a mile away from there home.


For adults its the same, most activitys these days involve sitting down, drinking (binge drinking) and eating junk food so its hardly suprising that people are putting on weight.


It doesn't matter how much money is thrown at the obesity problem, or how many obesity experts are employed, the fact is until people put down that bottle of wine/pizza, get off the sofa and move about more people are going to get fatter.


I also recall back in the 1980s, there were far fewer adults/kids who were obese and I'm sure we didn't have obesity champions in those days.

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I reckon either big bones or slow metabolism.


No such thing as a slow metabolism causing weight gain as fat and slim people tend to have the same metabolic rates.


However there is a correlation with giving up smoking and obesity, as smoking has declined obesity has risen.

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