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Sheffield Christmas lights


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Does anyone remember how marvellous Sheffield Xmas lights used to be? They used to stretch from the Moor Foot right down to Sheffield market area.I believe there was a Santa s grotto at the bottom of the Moor.

I can remember Father Christmas abseiling down the Robert Bros building.

I believe the lights were so good it inspired a Sheffield lad to go to Blackpool and be in charge of their displays.It was always a must trip to Town to have a look at them, in much the same way The Rag Parade was for our family.

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Yes that's how I remember them. When we were young my mum and dad would always take us into town for the lights to be switched on. It was always the Lord Mayor assisted by Father Christmas we would then walk to the bottom of the Moor necks craned upward, eyes wide where we would get on the 75 bus home and travel back up the Moor right down to the Castle Market on the top deck of the bus to see them all again. It was a magical night that we always looked foward to.


The lights there now pale into insignificance.


Thank you for the You Tube link it was lovey to see them again.

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Great video. Some great old stores there too: Walsh's and H.L. Brown's. The light display in Sheffield began its Christmas lights' display 8 Dec 1961 according to Sheffield in the Sixties by Peter Goodman. The lights were so impressive that a town (Jasper) in Alberta, Canada, sent a business man over on a fact finding mission to see if they could be emulated this side of the pond.

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Great video. Some great old stores there too: Walsh's and H.L. Brown's. The light display in Sheffield began its Christmas lights' display 8 Dec 1961 according to Sheffield in the Sixties by Peter Goodman. The lights were so impressive that a town (Jasper) in Alberta, Canada, sent a business man over on a fact finding mission to see if they could be emulated this side of the pond.


Did you see the sign of the Golden Egg? I had forgotten all about that

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