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Campaign medal long overdue for those brave WW2 Bomber Command aircrew

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I`ve just found a new e petition to the Government for a (long overdue) campaign medal for World War 2 Bomber Command aircrew.

I would urge people to sign up to this petition. The fact that these brave men have never had a campaign medal is an absolute disgrace. Over 55,000 of these very brave young men died, they had the highest death rate of any branch of the British armed forces, in fact it was so high that statistically they would be dead before they finished there tours of 30 trips. Even more incredibly they were all volunteers ! The fighter pilots of the Battle of Britain were lauded for their bravery, but the Bomber Command aircrew were even more likely to die. They truly were the bravest of the brave.


Moralising about bombing from where we are now is misplaced, let`s remember they were doing what they were ordered to do by the democratically elected Government of the time. What`s more they were doing it after the German Blitz on Britain, by the very same air force which first started bombing cities from Guernica to Rotterdam, then Coventry and other British cities.


There is also a campaign for a Bomber Command memorial, any support for this, donations or whatever, would be welcome.

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Regardless of what people might feel about the awful consequences of their actions, there is no doubt in my mind that they were incredibly brave and hardy men, who must have coped with more mental strain, anguish and fear than most of us will face in a lifetime and that their courage and endurance should be honoured, late in the day as it is.


Regardless of politics, or pacifism, or anything else, they were fine and brave men.

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Thanks for finding that Justin, have now signed.


My Grandad did 2 full 30 raid tours on Lancasters both principally over Germany before being transfered to Canada as a training officer. The psycological toll on him was very heavy from losing so many friends and he came close to not making it back on several occaisions, on one occaision having been badly hit by flak over germany they headed out into the bay of biscay to avoid the flak walls and fighter screen over the north coast of europe and made it to an airfield in cornwall with about 3 minutes fuel left.


He's sadly passed away but it would be great if the surviving aircrew were finally given a campaign medal.

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A lot of foolish people make all sorts of claims about bomber command and it's destruction of German cities.

Apart from those claims being based on stupidity, they ignore the unbelievable bravery of flying a slow aircraft against heavily armed fighters and flak while holding a straight line for what must have seemed an age so the bomb aimer could do his job.


I'm unsure I have the bravery to do that so I salute the heroes and I've signed.

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After June 1944 RAF were entitled to the France and Germany Star and before this the Air Crew Europe Star I believe.


You are certainly right about the Air Crew Europe Star which my Grandad held but the issue was a seperate campaign medal for bomber command was going to be awarded, then never happened.

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You are certainly right about the Air Crew Europe Star which my Grandad held but the issue was a seperate campaign medal for bomber command was going to be awarded, then never happened.


I don't think a seperate medal will be initiated officially as other groups would probably feel they deserved seperate recognition by an individual medal.

This in no way detracts from the enormouse bravery and sacrifice made by this branch of the services and is demonstrated by the high regard the above mentioned stars are held.

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I don't think a seperate medal will be initiated officially as other groups would probably feel they deserved seperate recognition by an individual medal.

This in no way detracts from the enormouse bravery and sacrifice made by this branch of the services and is demonstrated by the high regard the above mentioned stars are held.


The rationale for the seperate campaign medal was that bomber command suffered more losses per capita then any other branch across the three services. Which is why it was going to be struck. Why it never happened i'm not sure, but it should now.

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