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Campaign medal long overdue for those brave WW2 Bomber Command aircrew

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Signed. No one is saying we should take pride in the destruction and loss of life but we should certainly have pride in each and every one of the brave men who flew the bombing raids. They were doing what was deemed necessary for the defence of this country and bringing an end to the war. They flew these missions with no thought for themselves and I know for a fact I would never have that kind of courage. I have made sure that my children and now my grandchildren are aware of what these men undertook and of how many lost their lives doing it.

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Regardless of what people might feel about the awful consequences of their actions, there is no doubt in my mind that they were incredibly brave and hardy men, who must have coped with more mental strain, anguish and fear than most of us will face in a lifetime and that their courage and endurance should be honoured, late in the day as it is.


Regardless of politics, or pacifism, or anything else, they were fine and brave men.


Agreed. It's beyond understanding why this was not sorted at the time. The poles got shafted to, disgusting stains on the national honour.


We should have built a life size bronze Lancaster at the White cliffs of Dover.

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No, two 30 raid tours. And as to the second tour yes he volunteered for it, as did many airmen.




My grandad now 88, fought with the RAF from start to finish, was one of the few RAF to land on sword beech during d day. His job was to secure airfields for ground attack aircraft. He started off as a gunner on wellingtons, but after being wounded on his first raid was moved to ground crew. he said that's how he survived the war.

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