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Benefit thief get prison..

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Thieving sod should get a bloody stiff slap for this but let me ask you, is 7 years a bit steep when you consider what our MP's have been ripping off from the taxpayer?

Theyve had loads they werent entitled to but the most any of them have got has been a few months..


It is a bit steep. He's allegedly taken 338,000 in 10 years, and now is going to cost us around 280,000 more in jail costs :huh: That makes sense!


I'm not sure how this relates to MPs though. That is a different topic. Even if it was, I'm not sure of how many thieving MPs have tried to claim disability and £338,000 on the grounds of being a paraplegic, then being filmed doing the Samba down Oxford Street, on the way to the commons.

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Thieving sod should get a bloody stiff slap for this but let me ask you, is 7 years a bit steep when you consider what our MP's have been ripping off from the taxpayer?

Theyve had loads they werent entitled to but the most any of them have got has been a few months..


So he scammed is way into the country in 2001 and in just 10 years managed to scam £388,000 out of our benefits system for being disabled. I would have started by sacking the incompetent people that let him in to the country, then the incompetent people that let him claim £38,000 a year in benefits’, I would then send him back to Afghanistan with the disability he so desired.

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His fraud appears worse than what MPs did, both in terms of time and money stolen. But how he got away with it for so long is astonishing. I've no sympathy for the MPs but apart from the fines and prison sentences they've also lost their jobs. This parasite will do 3-4 years and then he'll be back to where he was but probably declared fit to work, if anyone will give him a job.

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Tough one this. I mean what is the high jail term for?


Is it high because of the way he got the money?

Is it high because of the amount he stole?

A mixture of both?


Would he be getting the same sentence if he committed the same crime but only received a lower amount?

Would he be getting the same sentence if he stole the same amount of money but in a much shorter period of time?

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It is a bit steep. He's allegedly taken 338,000 in 10 years, and now is going to cost us around 280,000 more in jail costs :huh: That makes sense!


I'm not sure how this relates to MPs though. That is a different topic. Even if it was, I'm not sure of how many thieving MPs have tried to claim disability and £338,000 on the grounds of being a paraplegic, then being filmed doing the Samba down Oxford Street, on the way to the commons.


I was drunk and tired and needed an axe to grind. I figured grinding one against and mp was as good an example as any.

Like i say, i was drunk and tired.

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No wonder so many people want disability benefits, at 38K a year I wouldn't mind it too.



£38,000 a year, how on earth did he get such an ammount, someone PLEASE PLEASE tell me. I get about one fifth of what this guy received, after more than 40 years of paying into the system. What am I and many others I suspect doing wrong?. Are we secind class citizens or what.


The person in question should do his time, and be deported on day of his release from jail. As for his "family", deport them now.





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£38,000 a year, how on earth did he get such an ammount, someone PLEASE PLEASE tell me. I get about one fifth of what this guy received, after more than 40 years of paying into the system. What am I and many others I suspect doing wrong?. Are we secind class citizens or what.


The person in question should do his time, and be deported on day of his release from jail. As for his "family", deport them now.






Oohhhh let's deport 'em.... No one is a second class citizen loads of us get buy without any benefits at all.

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