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Definition of a dee-dar?

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When I was a kid in north Nottinghamshire 'dee dahs' were police cars, ambulances or anything with a siren. Also called 'der-ders'.


I suppose if referring to people, could it be a contraction of 'La di dah' = posh?



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Originally posted by richynomates

o' daa a dee dah? what daa doin' o'er deer?

i'd like to think it's Barnsley folk, but i've heard too often that it is Sheffielders that are Dee Dahs.

Maybe we should do to the Yorkshire language what the Welsh do to theirs - promote it at every opportunity!


But it sounds so daft, I'm from the mighty Hull and when I hear South Yorkshire people talk I want to wind them up (in the wind up a clock sense) as they sound soooooo sssllllllooooowwwwww.

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hull people dont pronounce T's properly either........ as in words like cant, its quite funny actually....


as for talking slowly...... i cant see why u wud think that bout sheffielders...... from what i know were not that slow, if u want slow go to dudley LOL

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