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Definition of a dee-dar?

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No they are not


Dee Darr is not a sheffield term, it is what our neighbours in derbyshire call us. I'm happy to embrace the term because I don't find it in any way insulting.

It is up to you to give a definition as it is your term not ours.


It also used by folk from Rotherham and Barnsley for Sheffielders.

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People from Barnsley call Sheffielders dee dars but not themselves. They certainly say thee and tha but not dee and dar. I know people from Chesterfield call people from both Sheffield and Barnsley dee dars.


You need a translator or subtitles to dunderstand Dingles. Dee Dars are from South Sheffield

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.. Dee Dars are from South Sheffield


This makes more sense, derbyshire people would have historical animosity toward those that have expanded a yorkshire town then south yorkshire city into what was once derbyshire villages and hamlets.



It also used by folk from Rotherham and Barnsley for Sheffielders.


It is nowadays because they enjoy any opportunity to take the rise out of their bigger neighbour. I am certain it started in Derbyshire and now other parts have caught on to the amusing name.

Someone has even claimed on this thread that traditional londonners call sheffield DeeDarrs, this is a ridiculous assertion, most londonners have very little idea what county sheffield is or where it is on the map, they have no idea what people are called at all.


For a decade I used to work in London every other week and it was rare to find anyone who had any idea where sheffield was other that it was somewhere up north. One guy once said to me wasn't there riots in sheffield or something ?

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I take it you have never been to a local footy game involving Barnsley :hihi:


no I haven't to be fair, don't really attend matches unless man u are playing (geordies have just equalized thro' a fake penalty - bugger) - but I work near wath and the locals know dee dar but not dingle

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You need a translator or subtitles to dunderstand Dingles. Dee Dars are from South Sheffield


having worked all over sheffield for the last 20 odd years and being born and bred here i'd have said dee dars are from places like parson x, shirecliffe, southey and wybourn, and not associated with any particular area, i myself am from pitsmoor and live in north sheffield and use dee's and dars quite regular and all the time while with other dee dars - our lass is a manc and when i'm with my mates and we're all dee darring she can hardly understand a word

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