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Shopper uses pepper spray to get to the front of the queue.

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Good shopping tip, however I always find BO to be effective when it comes to moving crowds. If you've ever been to a Next sale, you'll know what I mean. I went once, never again, it put me off THAT much. I don't know how long this 'lady' has gone uncleansed but she stunk like Pepe Le Pew. I swalled it at one point before I realised what had been unleashed upon us sweetly smelling shoppers, my eyes watered and I retreated to another section of the shop. Needless to say she had plenty of space to browse the rails :gag:

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america!! say no more.


No, it happened at a Wal-Mart, so say no more.

only wal-mart shoppers are that pathetic to jump queues, crush people (theres been deaths at their stores due to crowds rushing and crushing people underneath) and more.


Im an American, and never, ever participated in 'Black Friday' No deal is worth standing hours in the cold, when I could be in a turkey and pie induced coma in my bed.

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You've got to love the reaction of people about this (and the OC Davis mass pepper-spraying of peaceful protesters and how Fox News reported on it).


Check out the massively sarcastic reviews of this pepper spray being sold on the US version of Amazon.


Mmm... incapacitating...


Those reviews are hilarious!


Like Lucille Bluth,who uses pepper spray to get past people on the escalator. Black Friday doesn't make some people lose their minds. They're crazy to begin with.

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