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Your Worst Culinary Disaster..

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I've had a few over the years, this usually happens late at night and is aided by Mr Stella....:hihi:


I while ago after a long day in the company of Mr Stella I came home, starving. Hardly anything in...I had to settle for beans and eggs...I had a really good idea, "mmm instead of dirtying two pans why not just crack the eggs in with the hot beans?"


You can only imagine the state...Tasted, not quite right as well...:gag:


The worst meal I've ever had was when out with a friend to a Japanese restaurant I decided, for some strange reason, to opt for the Japanese Sea Eel. Basically, this is like a black jelly fish that tastes and smells like it had been brought over to England on foot by an arthritic pensioner..:gag:


What's yours?...:D

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I think that the worst disaster would have to be the time when two guests at a dinner party I was cooking for were severely allergic to different things (but hadn't thought to tell me about this when they were invited to dinner, despite me asking if there was anything they didn't eat). We ended up with two people going into anaphylactic shock when they ate their trigger food, which would never have happened if they had told me that they were allergic to it.


The dinner was lovely BTW, but its effects on the guests kind of overshadowed that.

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A couple. Once when I put some salt in a curry, only it was sea salt and incredibly strong. I spent ages trying to add things that might disguise the flavour but to no avail.


Another time I was making myself some hot milk and wondered if a bit of jam would help. Everything split and I was left with a disgusting pan full of slop.


Oh, yams. Yams are a culinary disaster in their own right.

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