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Your Worst Culinary Disaster..

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a former girlfriend once made a lovely stew and decided to make some herby dumplings to go with it - unfortunately she mistook tsps for tbsps and put in 3 large tablespoons of mixed herbs rather than 3 teaspoons - there were more herbs than suet in the dumplings and they had rather a strong flavour - but the stew was nice

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Curried kippers,absolutely disgusting!!!
Not a culinary disaster, but a culinary triumph: tikka lobster (whole).


Beginners need not apply, but the end result...OMG :love::love::love:


To keep this O/T, mine would have to be mistaking dripping for coarse butter when I pan-fried some fresh (expensive) seafood. Beef-flavoured scallops. Nearly 2 lbs of it :cry:


There was also the time the Espellette pepper jar 'sifter' thingy fell off, along with about half the jar's content, straight onto a freshly-terrine'd foie gras. That's was at least £60 straight to the bin :cry:

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As a kid I had to suffer my mums cooking she really was the worst cook in the world,my Dad would say our dust bin is the only dust bin on the street that's got an ulcer she once made some custard and when I went to get hold of the spoon the spoon and custard came out of the bowl with custard shaped like the bowl with the spoon stuck in the middle of it it was like rubber, my Dad paid for her to go on a cooking course and she went to this sort of posh french cooking school and the things she tried to give us were disgusting like fish soups that tasted like pee all we wanted was some egg and chips or something normal,Dad once brought some tripe home and my Mum actually fried it in the chip pan the stink was awful as she burnt it to a crisp even the dog would not eat it :gag:

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my oh microwaved a xmas pud, full power, several minutes.
Just reminded of my mother-in-law's worst one.


She's always done white sauce (from scratch) for the Xmas pud, it's a family tradition.


That one year, she cheated and prepared white sauce from a ready-made/sachet thingy. Didn't check the package or instructions at all. And she never tastes what she cooks before she serves it.


She'd only prepared savoury white sauce for fish dishes. The Mrs found out too late!!! :gag::hihi:

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Had OH's family round for meat and did curry with all trimmings, when I tasted it it didn't seem very hot. Turned out it wasn't actually and everybody wolfed it down but the only one with tears streaming down their face was yours truly:roll::roll:

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Lol this thread caught my eye straight away and couldn't help but post.

I had a disaster was only 14, ok I was young but still was very responsible for my age.

I took care of my sisters and was taught to cook, clean and do washing mum would leave out for me to do while she was at work.

I had been left a message by mum when I got home one day from school.

Asking me to put some jacket potato in microwave to cook for 15 mins, so my dad could have pasta and jacket potato after work.


I put it on, and although I was responsible for someone my age. I was also a typical teen underneath it all, boys, friends, and going out the usual stuff was on my mind.

I had a new boyfriend at school and thought I would call him while I waited for potato to cook in microwave.


Only I did not realise how long I had actually set the potato to cook for!!!!!

I must of been on phone a good 45 minutes (got hammered for phone bill eeeek).

Mum came home early and I dived off phone as I remembered the potato (burning) cooking away.


It was too late I could smell smoke, mum ran in house as she had obviously smelt burning.

We opened microwave door to find the jacket potato engulfed in flames.lol

It had cooked for to long and eventually set alight, mum picked the potato up with a towel.


And opened the top part of the back door (we had like a stable door) .

And threw this potato down the garden, all you saw was this big flame ball flying down back garden lol.


I got grounded for being so stupid and of course for using the phone.

And as for dad I think he was relieved he didn't have to eat it, lol and settled for take away.

I never thought this story would stick with me, but even in my dad's speech at my wedding the story was told.

I still laugh about it till this day, only difference now is my cooking skills are a whole lot better.


Which is a relief to my husband lol x x

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