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Pushbikes on pavements

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If you have an indefinate line of traffic heading toward you, you cannot possibly wait till your 70th birthday to overtake a cyclist who is holding up YOUR line of traffic. Two things can happen. You can pass as safely as you can, or you can wait for the cyclist to acknowledge that he/she is causing a tailback, and pull in to let the trapped vehicles pass.

Which is why the government approved cycle training recommends in such circumstances that cyclists position themselves in the road in a way that discourages motorists from trying to pass until it the cyclist considers it safe for them to do so.


Most motorists realise why cyclists do this. The ones with an 'I pay road tax, I own the road, get out of my way' attitude don't. Guess which sort are the better drivers.

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I do nip on the pavements at times taking great care and showing respect for pedestrians, roads are full of ignorant drivers all wanting to kill each other with us cyclist in the middle with roads that require you to have moutain biking abilities on technical road surfaces full of bomb holes and rutts that make riding the peak district easy at times.

I ride to work even tho i have a car, i do so for my health, to save on travel costs and only use my car for family travel, so i think all these drivers bitching on here only do so because they are to lazy to get off there arse for them selfs.

And seen as i don't use my car as much as alot of drivers, should i not have my car costs reduced by the insurers or given free insurance for my bike usage because i don't place wear and tear on the roads as much as some people.

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Which is why the government approved cycle training recommends in such circumstances that cyclists position themselves in the road in a way that discourages motorists from trying to pass until it the cyclist considers it safe for them to do so.


Most motorists realise why cyclists do this. The ones with an 'I pay road tax, I own the road, get out of my way' attitude don't. Guess which sort are the better drivers.


That is quite possibly the biggest load of self invented cycle talk ive heard. Not one single motorist ive spoken to this evening has ever even dreamed that a cyclist rides like that to discourage anyone from passing. And as for it being recommended by the Government, well that too is a bit misleading, as their Highway Code rule 169 reads as follows;



Do not hold up a long queue of traffic, especially if you are driving a large or slow-moving vehicle. Check your mirrors frequently, and if necessary, pull in where it is safe and let traffic pass.


I said it before, and I will say it again. Cyclists really do make the rules up as they go along, and their sheer tunnel vision attitude is dangerous for all concerned. You ride like a pillock, im afraid you get all what you deserve.

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That is quite possibly the biggest load of self invented cycle talk ive heard. Not one single motorist ive spoken to this evening has ever even dreamed that a cyclist rides like that to discourage anyone from passing. And as for it being recommended by the Government, well that too is a bit misleading, as their Highway Code rule 169 reads as follows;



Do not hold up a long queue of traffic, especially if you are driving a large or slow-moving vehicle. Check your mirrors frequently, and if necessary, pull in where it is safe and let traffic pass.


I said it before, and I will say it again. Cyclists really do make the rules up as they go along, and their sheer tunnel vision attitude is dangerous for all concerned. You ride like a pillock, im afraid you get all what you deserve.

So, none of your motorist friends have read this?




ride well clear of the kerb*- 1 metre away or in the centre of the left lane

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how many cyclists do you see smoking, on the phone, changing cd's or stations, talking or having a argument with the passenger whille traveling?

So does this mean while on a bike we take more care and give attention while we commute?


you have forgot reading maps,books and papers,shaving,drinking larger,best iv seen is driving with his knees with a phone in one hand and a map in the other...................

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