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Are The Left To Blame For the Rise of The Right?

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But that doesn't mean there are not still millions of people who don't have far right ideologies.. It just needs someone to light the fire, as in the 1930's.


You're pushing it there. Most BNP voters are protest voters and many have already switched back to Labour. To say that millions of people today want a return to the 30s is a far-right fantasy. They're not far-right but they will support the far-right temporarily as a protest.

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i havent read the article, the far right has withered the last few years, vote wise, however i dont think thats because of any leftie policies at all, personally i think that they see that their vote is a wasted vote,


ive voted since i was 18, (im mid 30's now) as i was brought up to believe in the voting process, and ive voted for labour once but mainly the tories, but after the eu referendum scam a few weeks ago, im seriously thinking of not bothering anymore, my voice isnt heard along with the other millions of people,


and to sum things up i beleive that their is now a massive chasm of people who no longer vote anymore, there is room in my opinion for a right wing party to be formed but it would have to be impeccable as any accusations of racial bias would destroy it in mere hours, ive even looked on the web at forming my own party, but im not the kind of guy who you vote for because i tell the truth to you, not what you want to hear, and in this society now its simply more about the visual persona of people than what they actually do.

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You're pushing it there. Most BNP voters are protest voters and many have already switched back to Labour. To say that millions of people today want a return to the 30s is a far-right fantasy. They're not far-right but they will support the far-right temporarily as a protest.


Million is probably over egging it, agreed. But did they switch back to Labour because they suddenly agreed with Labour policy? I doubt it. They realised that voting for the BNP would marginalise them, and they would not getting proper representation...


Who's to say that they wouldn't switch back to the far right, under different circumstances?

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i havent read the article, the far right has withered the last few years, vote wise, however i dont think thats because of any leftie policies at all, personally i think that they see that their vote is a wasted vote,


ive voted since i was 18, (im mid 30's now) as i was brought up to believe in the voting process, and ive voted for labour once but mainly the tories, but after the eu referendum scam a few weeks ago, im seriously thinking of not bothering anymore, my voice isnt heard along with the other millions of people,


and to sum things up i beleive that their is now a massive chasm of people who no longer vote anymore, there is room in my opinion for a right wing party to be formed but it would have to be impeccable as any accusations of racial bias would destroy it in mere hours, ive even looked on the web at forming my own party, but im not the kind of guy who you vote for because i tell the truth to you, not what you want to hear, and in this society now its simply more about the visual persona of people than what they actually do.


That's the issue mentioned in the article. Masses of people rejecting main stream politics is dangerous... That's what happened in the past...

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That's the issue mentioned in the article. Masses of people rejecting main stream politics is dangerous... That's what happened in the past...


but then again people rejecting the mainstream politics of the day led to the labour party, (the real one not the pretend one we have now) and all sorts of other things

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That's the issue mentioned in the article. Masses of people rejecting main stream politics is dangerous... That's what happened in the past...



i dont see how it can be dangerous though, if your talking the likes of some sort of nazi/bnp getting into power, becuase the voting process here in the uk is now totally dominated by centre left parties, there is no way any mainstream far right party could muster enough votes to win a council never mind a general election , however if a right wing (truely conservative party) could be formed they could easily win a million votes from just the disgruntled current conservative party, of that i have no doubt.


but there are 3 things stopping it happening


1 - no party exists

2 - the party would have be whiter than white

3 - the left wing wouldnt allow it, they would simply call them the new bnp and the party would die.


the only way i can see any changes to be made are for a swiss style voting process to be formed, but that wont happen in my lifetime unless 99% of voters stop bothering, and there are already too many people who vote labour & conservative simply becuase they "always have"

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Its been my theory for a while that any change would be very slow. It wouldn't happen over night. But if you look at the state of politics now there is a gradual shift to the right. There's no real left wing politicians like Tony Benn or any of the old Labour politicians left. Although, its not only politicians that are responsible for the shift. Just read some of the posters on here, who in my opinion do lots more harm than good, with their defence of the indefensible, for the sake of their potty ideologies..


The most left wing mainstream party now are the Lib Dems and they were, traditionally, in the past, middle of the road..

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Its been my theory for a while that any change would be very slow. It wouldn't happen over night. But if you look at the state of politics now there is a gradual shift to the right. There's no real left wing politicians like Tony Benn or any of the old Labour politicians left. Although, its not only politicians that are responsible for the shift. Just read some of the posters on here, who in my opinion do lots more harm than good, with their defence of the indefensible, for the sake of their potty ideologies..


The most left wing mainstream party now are the Lib Dems and they were, traditionally, in the past, middle of the road..


from my point of view frank i cannot for the life of me see the shift to the right, i beleive its gone far left, i bet were not 5 miles aprt and see totally different points of views.


lid dems - left

labour - middle (edging lefter by the day)

tories - middle (heading lefter by the day)

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