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Are The Left To Blame For the Rise of The Right?

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This article fails to take into account that the left have become the right. This right hasn't "risen", it's always been here.


The last true Labour government left office in 1979. Of all the PMs since that date, only Crash Gordon had a touch of Old Labour about him (didn't stop him sucking up to the City though).


Whichever of the Milliband twins will be the next PM will make no difference I'm afraid.


We won't reverse Coalition cuts, says Balls


Much like Obama and his "change we can believe in".


I agree. The left doesn't have any real political figures of any significance now. I don't know why they still have such an influence on the country, but they seem to pull quite a lot of strings...

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They were right about the EU? Who knows what else they're right about...


Even a stopped clock is right twice a day !! Im not aware of much else they stand for, even they will stick with the staples keep the Nhs, welfare state etc. I think, like most parties they'll just faff about the stuff on the edges: immigration, foreign aid.


That's why people don't vote - you're left with some extreme nutters or any one of the main three. I remember reading some handy dandy table on the BBC site just prior to the last election. For all the bluff there wasn't a deal of difference between all three except maybe the libdems who gave up all the differences when they jumped into bed with the Tories anyway.

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