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Are The Left To Blame For the Rise of The Right?

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Even a stopped clock is right twice a day !! Im not aware of much else they stand for, even they will stick with the staples keep the Nhs, welfare state etc. I think, like most parties they'll just faff about the stuff on the edges: immigration, foreign aid.


That's why people don't vote - you're left with some extreme nutters or any one of the main three. I remember reading some handy dandy table on the BBC site just prior to the last election. For all the bluff there wasn't a deal of difference between all three except maybe the libdems who gave up all the differences when they jumped into bed with the Tories anyway.


I think its more than what they stand for because they'll change that at the drop of a hat. If there's owt in it for them! I never really trusted the Tories but since the New Labour period has been laid bare we have to admit that there's never been a bunch of shady double dealers in the history of British politics...

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To secure for the workers by hand or by brain the full fruits of their industry and the most equitable distribution thereof that may be possible upon the basis of the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange, and the best obtainable system of popular administration and control of each industry or service.


We need a party of the people, not liars, frauds, usurers and landlords.

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Good article in The Independent today about this.




"This abandonment of what was once Labour’s core voters, coupled with the contemptuous treatment of them by an increasingly elitist clique of career politicians resentment at elitist politicians, has allowed for a space to be filled by groups claiming to be truly represent people, or simply to provide a ‘two fingers up’ vote to despised mainstream politicians. The fact that most British National Party supporters come from the Labour party’s traditional constituency, and the third largest reason for people claiming to join the English Defence cited in Demos’ study Inside the EDL was ‘disillusionment with the major political institutions, the political elite or the direction of their country’, is testament to this trend."


I hope this won't turn into an EDL / BNP discussion. It's posted to highlight the damage the some of the left are doing, or have done. Its about the reasons why we're in trouble not the end results...


In short yes they are. It does not help when the looney left attack anyone that's an inch to the right of them either. Insanity rules right now.

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Are they? I thought they were like plaid cmyrw (or however it's spelled) and the SNP? Not aware of them having any far right leanings.


I thought I had read somewhere that they are far right, but it appears they are not; their motto is "Not left, not right, just English, I will have to do some reading up on them.

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No they weren't


Yes they were ,and only the Loony left would disagree. More and more of our powers eroded ,and more and more laws being made in Brussels instead if Westminister. They warned this would happen should we cosy up to the foreigners in Brussels,and exactly that has happened.

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