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Takapuna – West Street :-(


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Sat night I went out for a friends Birthday. Knowing we were going to be clubbing we all got suited and booted so not a single T-shirt in sight.


To be clear:


*I was wearing smart jeans, black shirt and navy trainer style shoes.

*Wayne was wearing similar, again with trainer style shoes.

*Lee was wearing shirt AND trousers, black leather shoes.

*Bri shirt and shoes again.


We had 2 pints in the dev cat, 1 in Varsity and then went to meet the others in Takapuna approx 10:30pm. Not drunk, not rowdy, just relatively sensible 4 lads on a night out. All mid to late 20’s


First thing is the place was at max half full, yet they made us queue outside. I can only assume this was to give the impression it was both popular, busy and or exclusive of some kind?


After a few minutes we got to the front of the queue and they split us up, bri got in no problem as did wayne with his trainer shoes. As soon as we got let past the fist bouncer the second stopped Lee on the inner door.


“are they steel toe caps”? nope, they were just shoes.


“well your not coming in cos they are doccers”, erm no they are bog standard shoes, not a brand, label and deffo not a doccer type shoe.


“oh right your ok then” so we turned to go through the inner door and was stopped again. The same bouncer than asked some woman what she thought and she nodded a NO


“not coming in mate” and pointed us back outside. ????? WTF?


2 of us in trainer shoes get in no problem and they stop the smartest looking guy out of 4 because he didn’t look right? For the record wayne and myself are big as brick sh*t houses, lee is scrawny, so it wasn’t a physical threatening thing etc?


I just don’t understand it.


Luckily they gave both wayne and bri a refund YOU HAVE TO PAY TO GET IN!!!!! and we spent our money somewhere else!!?


I simply don’t understand why, clearly they didn’t like his face, or maybe it was his hearing aid!!?

Fingers X’d places like this will go bust cos they don’t deserve custom!


Rant over! :)

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Takapuna is a bit like that - I've been in and they have an 'exclusive' VIP area in the top room. Its basically just a roped off bit of the club with floaty white sheets and more chairs..... so exclusive I walked in with a friend and out again!


I think they try to make it seem a bit more up market than it really is!


Bad luck though boys - money will be better spent elsewhere without the hassle



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They did you a favour my friend.


Takapuna has to be one of the most pretentious bars I have ever seen. They do make people queue to give the impression of popularity.


They have a cheek to charge cos later on the place is rammed to the point of discomfort and the drinks aren't exactly cheap either.


You'll also find quite often that bouncers don't like to atagonise big guys, it's little wonder your smaller friend was stopped and you two were let in. They don't actually want to get their hands dirty and have to 'bounce' anyone that might be difficult to bounce.


I'd tak ethat one as a 'lesson learned' and just avoid in future...

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The idea of standing in a queue for a pub just doesn't seem right to me.


You know that if people are lining up outside, then they're rammed inside...that's a signal to find another pub, not queue in the cold for the honour of being deemed worthy of entrance by the doorstaff.

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Wow am quite surprised to see this thread to be honest.

I used to be head doorman at Takapuna some time ago before I retired from the trade (back in 04).


The place does have a door policy with regards to dress and group size (men especially) which were given as recomendation from South Yorkshire finest as it happens to help combat the amount of footie hooligans which were let in the place.


Now I don't run the door their anymoreso cannot say what happened and I can sympathise with the OP if they were turned away.


The woman you refer to would have been a door picker which they introduced in 03. The pickers changes from time to time but the job they do is essentially the same.

Now there job is essentially to make sure the door policy is adhered to.


I.e. Any clothes from the banned list are not allowed in the venue, any groups of lads (more than 4 usually) not allowed in the venue unless accompanied by the fairer sex thus being in couples, no known trouble causers in the venue and no too casual clothes being worn.


Now depending on the picker it can be more of a case if your face doesn't fit or your clothes don't fully match up to their standards then they say no. They have the say on the front door over the door staff (unless it's a security matter then door staff over rule).

If youget a good picker they stick to the policy and that's that.. if not then it's pot luck.


I'm sorry this was the case for you mate and can assure it's not something the management like to hear. If you feel you have a genuine grievance then I would say contact the management during the day when no door staff operate and you can deal direct with management.


They're very friendly and are happy to hear all sides, you may even get some drinks/food vouchers for your troubles.


I hope it doesn't put you off going (although I can appreciate it would) because I still like the place and try to promote it on here whenever possible.

However I understand if it's a case of once bitten twice shy sort of thing.


All the best anyway :thumbsup:

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I cant understand this 'no groups larger than 4'.


This essentially means that if you have more than 3 friends you cant get in anywhere.


Went for a works night out the other week, and before we even had a drink were turned away because we were in a group. This was a smartish group of 6 between mid 20's and 50's. It wasnt because we were drunk, or the place was full, but they very politely explained their policy was not to let in groups. (This was Walkabout BTW)


Obviously they were just following the rules, but all this achives is turning away custom, when the prospective patrons are obviously not drunk, or a gang of troublemakers.


Crazy, but whatchgonnado?

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